氣凝膠 (Aerogel)是一種極輕的奈米多孔材料,一般以二氧化矽為主結構,具有極低的導熱係數 (0.012W/m-K),且因其不規則的空隙結構,故可忽視熱對流與熱輻射的效應,因此可應用在眾多領域中,但脆弱程度如同玻璃,使其應用受到阻礙;為使Aerogel材料能藉由不同複合材料型態多面相的使用,因此本研究是以含有Aerogel之薄膜材料進行製備與其性能之探討。
本研究第二部分以靜電紡絲法製備Aerogel/PU靜電紡絲薄膜,經SEM-EDS Mapping 可以明顯觀察出,Aerogel均勻分散在纖維的內部,因此證實,雖然Aerogel質輕容易聚集,但是在有效的分散媒條件下,仍可使Aerogel均勻分散於PU高分子當中。實驗結果發現,未添加Aerogel的靜電紡絲薄膜具疏水性,其疏水性是來自於表面的纖維結構,但經添加Aerogel後其疏水效果則可達超疏水性標準。與連續性薄膜相同其熱裂解溫度也明顯提高,同時在熱影像實驗的表現上,也可觀察到提高Aerogel的添加量,其隔熱性質亦隨之提升。
Aerogel is a nano porous material; it has low thermal conductivity (0.012W/m-K) and pore structure of Irregular. Convective heat transfer is prevented as aerogel structure does not permit air circulation, but the aerogel is fragile and hinders the development of applications. Therefore, this study will prepare aerogel-containing thin film materials for preparation and performance discussion.
This study is divided into two parts. In the first part is the preparation of the aerogel / PU film. From the results that the addition of aerogel can modify the surface of the PU film to have the hydrophobic. With the increase of aerogel content, the degradation temperature of the film is postponed. Put film on a hot plate and shoot with an infrared camera, as the results, the addition of aerogel can make film reach the thermal insulation effect.
In the second part, the aerogel/PU electrospinning film was prepared by electrospinning. Using the EDS analysis of the Si element in the electrospinning film can prove that the aerogel has been in the fiber. According to the results, the aerogel electrospinning film without addition has hydrophobicity due to the electrospinning structure. Addition of aerogel can modify the electrospinning film to have the superhydrophobic and the degradation temperature of the electrospinning film is postponed. Put film on a hot plate and shoot with an infrared camera, as the results, the addition of aerogel can make film reach the thermal insulation effect.
With the same of aerogel content, the contact angle of Aerogel/PU electrospinning film is larger. This is due to the special structure of electrospinning film. When the increases of aerogel content, the degradation temperature of the two film is postponed, and they will have a certain thermal insulation effect when shooting with an infrared camera.