Along with economic development after 1966, people seek for more effective and more modernize. Social’s construction change rapid. Traditional construction are collapsing. Under the New construction’s effect Taiwan had many temples are regarding as non-spatial construction. Road development part levy the temple’s spatial to turn it into the road and it make the temple’s spatial lose it’s original function. The landscape’s esthetics also get lower. Earlier performance stage are losing their original function because of the modern technology. People had more entertainments to choose, rarely people came to the performance stage to see to traditional shows. Those area turn into parking spaces or something else.
Taiwan has many temples. Each temple had his own influence. Taiwan had many temples are prepare for the large-scale-unite pilgrimage campaign, they decide to extent their spatial. Architecture need to know which function is necessary and what elements can enhance the landscape’s esthetics to make people feel more favorable.
This researching’s object base on the Houlong Urban Planning Area. Discussing Houlong Urban Planning Area temple’s spatial landscape. Discussing with the temple’s administrator and worker find out what is the most necessary spatial needed. To understand what is the most important spatial is modern temple’s need.