在法國求學的她,師承愛蓮.西蘇(Hélène Cixous,1937-)學習陰性書寫,藉由創傷敘事寫下自我認同的掙扎與苦痛,依心理學中敘事取向的原理來做研究方法,研究邱妙津小說文本當中的故事以及日記,藉此論述邱妙津在自我認同中的創傷書寫。
The homosexual issue of literature received attention since society is opened gradually in Taiwan. The lesbian literature makes a splash and brilliant as feminism, which has been suppressed under the patriarchy, are rises. The collection of Ciou Miao-Jin held an important portion of lesbian literature, in which the collection revealed the erotic and struggling emotion of lesbian adequately. Appreciate the entanglement and fear of female homosexuality by studying Ciou Miao-Jin’s collection to comb through the self-identity and trauma narrative.
The purpose of the research was to study the principle of psychology’s narrative approaching as researching method and it was divided into 3 parts:
1. The theory of self-identity: Discuss Ciou Miao-Jin’s mental path of self-identification as a male.
2. The method of self-discovering by application narrative: Based on the emotional conversion of Ciou Miao-Jin’s diary to study the content of the collection.
3. The research was applied in self-studying psychic trauma: To study the healing process and meaning under the trauma of Ciou Miao-Jin’s gender identity.
Introducing narrative psychology is to find out the role of language in the construction of self-identity. Through narrative psychology to understand oneself, people are constantly reflecting on the various internal and external things happening, and understanding Ciou Miao-Jin’s language and thinking through theory The self-identity expressed in it.
Ciou Miao-Jin learned Feminine writing under the tutelage of Hélène Cixous (1937- ) in Paris, writing the struggle and pain of self-identity through trauma narrative. Based on the principle of psychology’s narrative approaching to study the trauma narrative of self-identity of the collection of Ciou Miao-Jin.