There are growing tensions between medical and medical patients due to the increase in medical malpractice litigation cases. The definition of medical treatment, medical contract and the root cause of medical disputes are closed linked and inseparable. In determining the responsibility of medical negligence, it must be considered whether the physician or medical institution has fulfilled the duty of inform to avoid the occurrence of adverse results. After the analysis of the obligation of inform, informed consent, the rule of informed consent in wrongful act in the thesis, it is proved that the medical disputes can be avoided if the physician or medical institution has fulfilled the obligation of inform. Whether there is a causal relationship between negligence and results is the essential element of determining whether there is any legal liability. Through the analysis of judgment, we can understand the fundamental of preventive medical malpractice litigation, only the law, reason, and all-round situation, can reduce unnecessary litigation.
The existence of medical malpractice litigation is not without positive effect, curbing bad medical behavior is the direction of positive thinking, the combination of law and medical two majors, just as the integration of procedure and ethics, can push the medical profession to be more comprehensive. The medical disputes waste time, human resources, and costs. What we are striving for is to shorten the time of litigation and successfully deal with the medical disputes.