摘要: | 綠島,近年來遊客遊憩使用強度逐漸升高,業者進入經營住宿業越趨明顯,導致土地利用開始改變,而綠島的汙水排放目前並無統一收集處理,因此很多廢水會流入海中,這可能對珊瑚礁棲地與海洋生態有負面影響。因此為了瞭解綠島的土地利用改變,本研究先探討土地利用變遷與使用;主要使用1995、2006、2016年的土地利用圖與2016經過現地調查的方式重新數化成2019年的土地利用現況圖,以土地利用第三類重新做分類,並用Moran’s I探討整體的綠島的變遷趨勢。之後帶入集水區,將綠島土地利用面積限縮並計算其百分比後,挑選出9個水質項目(分別為:懸浮固體物、氨氮、硝酸鹽氮、亞硝酸鹽氮、清潔劑、油脂、磷酸鹽、化學需氧量、總有機碳等),將其野溪大排內所屬之集水區排放的水質濃度與排放量結合集水區內土地利用面積與百分比進行相關性與GLM(廣義線性模式)進行分析,加以探討綠島水質排放的與土地利用間的關係與影響模式。就土地利用變遷結果顯示,1995-2006年的主要變遷以設施擴建與觀光基礎設施建立有關,而損失面積量最多的是農業使用,Global Moran’s I結果顯示,此年度變遷成住宅使用的變遷方式有聚集的現象。而2006-2016年以變遷成服務與空置地(包含興建中使用)使用為主,Global Moran’s I結果顯示,變遷成服務使用的變遷方式有聚集現象。水質相關分析結果顯示氨氮、磷酸鹽、化學需氧量與總有機碳等水質項目與住宅、服務、農業使用為正相關,清潔劑、油脂與服務、住宅使用有正相關。而根據GLM模型顯示,氨氮、磷酸鹽、化學需氧量、總有機碳等營養鹽性質的水質項目大多與服務、住宅與農業使用有關,而清潔劑與油脂等影響氧氣融入水中的水質項目受住宅使用影響。
In recent years, tourist intensity of Green Island was increasing. More and more merchants come to Green Island to provide accommodation activities, which has triggered land-use changing. However, Green Island’s sewage system is currently not established. Therefore, a lot of wastewater flows into the ocean. This may have a negative impact on coral reef habitat and marine ecology. Therefore, this study adopts 1995, 2006, and 2016 land-use maps and surveys land use on-site survey in 2019. Additionally, Moran's I method is utilized to discuss spatial cluster of land-use change in Green. This research also sent water sample on site to SGS to understand water quality through water survey and sampling for watersheds in Green Island. 9 water quality indicators (including: suspended solids, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, anionic surfactant, grease, phosphate, chemical oxygen demand, and total organic carbon) are utilized and analyzed the relation between land-use type and water quality indicators by GLM model. The results indicate that of main land-use change from agricultural to built-up land during 1995-2006 was related to the sprawl of facilities and the establishment of tourist facilities. Moreover, Global Moran's I also presented cluster pattern for residential use change from other land-use type.
Land-use change from other land-use type to services use presented high percentage during 2006-2016. The results of Global Moran’s I showed that there exists cluster pattern of land-use change to services use. The results of water quality correlation analysis show that water quality indicators such as ammonia nitrogen, phosphate, chemical oxygen demand and total organic carbon are positively related to residential, service, and agricultural use, and detergents and grease are positively related to services and residential use. Additionally, GLM model shows that ammonia nitrogen, phosphate, chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon and other nutrients indicators are related to services, residential and agricultural use, while detergents and oils that affect the integration of oxygen indicators are affected by residential use. |