摘要: | 新竹市政府早於民國93年便也發布實施「新竹科技特定區計畫」,之後又在民國107年會同行政院等相關單位提出「X計畫」。此二計畫內容包括將擴建基地劃定至新竹東區,作為都市再發展腹地。該區比鄰學研機構(清交大、工研院)與科學園區,且以「公道五路」為主要聯外道路,交通便利且生活機能佳。該基地之劃定旨在將新竹科學園區(竹科)與軟體園區相嵌整合,形成科技廊帶,從而滿足竹科產業更新以及用地擴建之所需。
是以,本研究側重探討與前述所劃定基地相關之都市計畫建築量體配置、交通系統及土地使用課題。研究範疇包括新竹東區「科技特定區計畫」之都市規劃路網結構,再收斂至現行土地使用分區屬「科技商務區」之範圍,對其現有待開發土地空間關係及視覺景觀進行研究。研究工作依託於空間型構法則(Space Syntax)之軸線分析法(axial map analysis)和視域分析法(visual graph analysis),測算與詮釋前述基地範圍內的空間可視性(visibility)與可達性(accessibility)相關衡量指標:全區便捷值(RA)、局部便捷值(R3)以及深度值(D),以釐清待開發土地核心發展區與之所在及其相應之視覺景觀為何。同時透過解析和比較兩種不同量體配置所形成之空間連結度及相應指標數值,作為未來發展空間模型之參考。
經分析「科技特定區計畫」內672個路段之RA, R3, D三個指標,得出公道五路(屬聯外道路)為此區交通路網空間結構中可達性較高(RA最大值2.384、R3最大值3.795、D最小值3.863)路段,又其空間單元顏色最紅,據此可推斷該道路為整體區域公共性最高且屬生活及經濟便捷之核心路段。視域分析則聚焦比鄰公道五路兩側之「科技商務區」,分就建蔽率最大與容積率最低以及建蔽率最小與容積率最高兩種配置方案進行分析比較,得出不同量體配置對視覺景觀可視性的影響。根據分析結果,本研究建議後續能夠將不同量體配置之型構分析再進一步與影響土地開發之其它因素(如地價、投資效益分析、人口、開發密度、動線與市場處分價格等)綜合比較,提高空間型構法則應用於量體配置決策之實用性。
Aiming at the advancement of the Hsinchu Science Park (HSP) featuring software, the Hsinchu City Government initiated, jointly with the Executive Yuan, the “HSP X Program” in 2018 as well as putting the “Hsinchu Science and Technology Special District Plan (STSDP)” into effect in 2004. A zoned district in the city’s eastern part was accordingly designated for urban redevelopment. Adjacent to the National Chiao Tung University, National Tsing Hua University and Industrial Technology Research Institute, it is mainly accessible by Gongdao 5th Road connoted as the technology corridor, which provides favorable urban amenities and convenience in transport.
Against the aforementioned backdrop, this study attempts to examine the building mass allocation, transport network and land use of the urban planning for the STSDP in eastern Hsinchu and the streetscape perspective of its zoned “Technology Commercial District (TCD).” Relying on space syntax (i.e., axial map analysis and visual graph analysis) to assess TCD’s streetscape perspective as well as STSDP’s spatial configuration and kernels of the to-be-developed land, corresponding indices (i.e., global integration/RA, local integration/R3 and depth value/D) of accessibility, connectivity and visibility pertaining to two types of mass allocations are analyzed and contrasted. Hence, benchmark constituted by the addressed indices can be referred to develop prospective spatial models.
Indices of 672 segments within STSDP are derived, which concludes that Gongdao 5th Road, a connecting road, has the highest integration (RAmax=2.384, R3max = 3.795 and Dmin = 3.863). Its magenta in the segment map indicates that it is the centrality of popularity concerning living and economic activities in the district. Regarding the visibility of TCD neighboring Gongdao 5th Road, the effects on streetscape perspectives with respect to two mass layouts (i.e., maximal building coverage ratio against minimal floor area ratio and vice versa) are analyzed and contrasted. In examining variant mass layouts, research findings suggest that following studies can incorporate other factors (e.g., land price, investment performance, population, building density, traffic flow, disposal price, etc.) influencing land development into space syntax so as to improve the utility of spatial analysis in practice. |