摘要: | 2012年1月1日行政院組改後,「國土安全辦公室」從臨時任務編組正式成為院本部一級單位,專責處理我國反恐及國土安全業務。在該室人員編組、組織結構迄今都沒改變的情況下,對於日益多元複雜的恐怖攻擊,是否有足夠能力因應,值得深入研究!
The Office of Homeland Security transforms from a ROC Cabinet temporary task grouping organization into a first-level unit under the Executive Yuan after the organizational transformation of the cabinet starting Jan. 1, 2012. It specializes in handling Taiwan’s anti-terrorism and homeland security affairs. It is worthy of attention to observe if the office has adequate capability to respond to increasingly diverse and complicated terror attacks, when the staffing and organizational structure of the office haven’t been changed for eight years.
Therefore, in order to understand the directions of the future transformation and operations of the Office of Homeland Security, the thesis uses document analysis and comparative research methods to verify the related discourses and practices on domestic and foreign anti-terrorism issues in the literature. Moreover, we use the related theories on organizational transformation, to confirm the necessity of change at the domestic and foreign anti-terror environments and threats at first, and to examine the current situation of Taiwan’s homeland security operations by checking the orientations of integration of homeland security information, professional merge of anti-terror and disaster prevention tasks, and organizational structures. In addition, we use the innovational transformation of the US on homeland security operations after the September 11 attacks.
By using the interview method, we interview personally the supervisors in charge of Taiwan’s homeland security affairs, the frontline executives, experts and scholars specialized in the related fields, to give prospects on the transformation of the Office of Homeland Security:
Short-term goals: to integrate the homeland security intelligence and information from the governmental intelligence and law-enforcement agencies for building a inter-departmental response platform, which specializes in integrating homeland security information.
Mid-term goals: To merge the Executive Yuan’s Office of Homeland Security and Office of Disaster Management for creating a professional unit that owns unified administrative powers on anti-terrorism and disaster management.
Long-term goals: To found the Ministry of Homeland Security, a cabinet-level agency that integrates affairs of anti-terrorism, national border security maintenance, disaster management and response, as well as infrastructure construction protection.
We wish the research will provide advices for the direction of the future change of the Office of Homeland Security as references to the authorities for strengthening homeland security operations, in order to minimize the danger of terrorism. |