摘要: | 隨著證券商在行銷方式的發展越來越進步,競爭對手都接受著相同的教育訓練以及接受共同的資訊,若是沒有一個完整嚴謹的策略規劃貿然進入市場,可能會造成參與該系統的所有人付出沉重的成本,甚至遇到投入預算增加但是效益減少的負面影響。
管理飛行模擬器可協助決策者對行銷企劃真實的了解主觀式 的決策是否存在盲點,當決策者以過往經驗規劃未來式的創新服 務系統並投以樂觀的期待值,經電腦模擬找出規劃案之盲點。行銷策略動態對於決策者制定行銷目標時可確實幫 助決策者能事先掌握關鍵因素,建立合理目標,不產生過度期待值,作為創新服務系統一個良好的開端並增加成功機率。
As securities firms develop more and more customers with their marketing activities, the competitors also proactively pay attention and efforts to the same market and competi-tion. If a securities firm do not have a strategic plan to enter the market, the uncertainty of market development is not easily to be handled. This will cause and everyone in the sys-tem to pay a heavy price, and even encounter negative impacts of increased budget but reduced benefit.
This study uses Strategy Dynamics (SD) methodology to analyze the cause-and-effect relationship of each key point in the business system, understand the en-tire system operation structure, and then find the key links in the system to promote busi-ness success, so as to truly understand the system structure and build an appropriate strat-egy for growth. Case studies and in-depth expert interviews were conducted to evaluate the possibility of a SD model for securities firms. By using computer simulations, sever-al strategic scenarios analysis and business planning were evaluated by numerical results and experts with empirical implications.
It is concluded that the proposed management flight simulator helps decision makers to truly understand whether there is a blind spot in the subjective decision-making. When the decision makers reply on past experience to plan future developments with optimistic expectations, the blind spots can be detected after computer simulation. In view of scien-tific business planning, marketing planning with SD can really help decision makers to master key factors in advance when setting marketing goals and reasonable expectation, as a better solution for innovative service systems and business success. |