摘要: | 於民國76年行政院所核定發布之「現階段環境保護綱領」,開宗明義揭示「保護自然環境,維護生態平衡,以求世代永續利用」之目標。我國環境權之保護,始由警察法領域進展至計畫經營之階段,並於民國81年納入憲法增修條文第10條,成為綱領式之環境基本國策條款,後於民國88年將環境保護於刑法新增第190條之1流放毒物罪,刑法中唯一的環境刑法條文。我國在民國98年正式簽署兩公約,其中包括聯合國推行之第三波人權-環境權。是以,我國一定要對環境作出積極保護之宣誓,並落實該項環境人權,亦是司法改革須與國際接軌施行之方向。
The "Environmental Protection Program at the Current Stage" approved and is-sued by the Executive Yuan in 1987, clearly stated the goal of "protecting the natural environment, maintaining ecological balance, and seeking sustainable use from gener-ation to generation." The protection of environmental rights in our country began from the field of police law to the stage of planned operation, and it was incorporated into Article 10 of the constitutional amendment in 1981, becoming a programmatic envi-ronmental basic national policy clause, and then environmental protection in 1988 Ar-ticle 190-1 of the criminal law is added to the crime of exiled poison, the only envi-ronmental criminal law provision in the criminal law. my country formally signed two conventions in 1998, including the third wave of human rights-environmental rights promoted by the United Nations. Therefore, our country must take an oath to actively protect the environment and implement the environmental human rights, which is also the direction for judicial reform to be implemented in line with international stand-ards.
Although our country enjoys the reputation of economic miracle due to its eco-nomic development in the past, it has neglected the importance of environmental pro-tection and has therefore paid a considerable price for environmental protection. In recent years, many unscrupulous businessmen or their employees in China, for their own personal gain or for convenience, do not hesitate to sacrifice the health and safety of the public, while carrying out business activities, abandon, exile, discharge, let go or use other methods to make poison or Other substances harmful to health pollute the air, soil, rivers or other water bodies, etc., resulting in increasingly serious environ-mental pollution in our country, causing irreparable damage to the environment. However, many unscrupulous businessmen or their employees have low risk because of environmental crimes that are not easily detectable, and the constitutional require-ments of the crime must meet the specific dangerous offense conditions of "causing public danger". my country's national health and living environment.
The tipping point of the amendment to Article 190-1 of the Criminal Law was the discharge of wastewater by ASE in the Republic of China in 102. At that time, it caused an uproar in the public opinion. Therefore, in Republic of China, the article was amended as an abstract dangerous offense in the Republic of China in 107, and other relevant requirements were added to help. Prosecution of crimes and restraining the incentives of crimes. However, can the amendment of Article 190-1 of my country's Criminal Law be in line with relevant international laws and regulations? How have environmental rights legislation thoughts and national control concepts changed? Can this provision completely prevent the pollution of air, soil or water from liquid poisons from causing environmental damage, and then achieve the protection of fundamental environmental rights? What is the current status of relevant judgments? This article attempts to conduct research and analysis on the appropriateness of the international development trend of environmental protection laws and regulations, the evolution of environmental protection criminal laws, and the judicial practice related to the re-search and analysis of the judgments on the crime of exile of poisons, and propose amendments. |