本研究透過實體問卷發放形式,以醫學中心、區域醫院、教學醫院等大型醫院,參與心導管手術之心臟內科醫師為填答問卷受訪者,預計發放150 份問卷,收回有效問卷124 份(回收率82.6%)。根據研究實證分析後,產品及服務本身「誠信」、「承諾」、「滿意度」也正向影響選用意圖及採用行為,關係品質越高,選用意圖及採用行為相對越高,因此建議品牌商應增強雙方關係品質,取得關鍵顧客信任。
This study used physical questionnaires to distribute form. Cardiologists involved in cardiac catheterization operations in large hospitals such as medical centers, regional hospitals, and teaching hospitals were used as questionnaire interventionists. It is estimated that 150 questionnaires will be distributed and 124 valid questionnaires will be retrieved. (The rate is 82.6%). According to the empirical analysis of the research, the "integrity", "commitment", and "acceptability" of products and services themselves are also positively affecting substitution and adoption behaviors. Relationship quality changes. Substitution and adoption behaviors are relatively relative. Therefore, it is recommended that brands should strengthen both parties Relationship quality, gain key customer trust.