礦場開發易造成環境的重大改變,環境改變的程度可由視覺包容力及景觀品質直接反應出來。適當的運用視覺景觀評估法,進行礦場土地開發可獲得視覺景觀的影響評值,再籍此評值提出處理方式則減緩礦場開發對於附近環境的影響。 瑞欣蛇紋石礦場位於秀姑巒溪泛舟起點花蓮縣瑞穗鄉西方約七公里尊古安山稜線上,採用金鋼索鋸開採。對鑒於其特殊的區位環境及開採方式,對環境所造成的視覺景觀衝擊,在本研究即採取視覺景評估。
Mining activities can easily cause considerable changes in environment, which can be directly shown by the degrees of both visual absorption capability and senic quality. Therefore, a proper methodology of visual landscape assessment can decrease the environment impacts caused by mining development. Jui-Hsin Serpentine mine, located 7 kilometers west from Jui-Sui village of Hua-Lien County, has been successfully worked by wire saw method. The present research is a study of visual landscape assessment on Jui-Hsin mine.