豐田閃玉礦業專區規劃面積一千七百五十餘公頃,全區閃玉儲 量估算有六十餘萬公噸。本研究期以地下坑道開採,使地表景觀之環 境衝擊減至最低,將針對專業區之礦床賦存與環境地質災害進行探 討,以充分利用寶石工業無污染、無噪音、技術層次與附加價值又高 之優勢條件,結合東部地區豐饒的觀光旅遊資源推動開發,以落實產 業東移,均衡東西部區域發展。
An area of 1750 hectares has been defined for Fengtien as as nephrite specialty area by the Taiwan Provincial Bureau of Mines. In the studied area, the inferred nephrite reserve is about 600 thousands metric tons. The adoption of underground mining is suggested in order to decrease the environment impact of landscape, to a less extent. Meanwhile, the potential reserves and geologic hazards in this area have also been discussed, so the virtue of non-pollution nature and high profit in gem industry can be achieved. In addition, If mineral exploition could be combined with potential tourist resouces, the govermental project of east-west region-deoeloprment would be balanced.