摘要: | 本研究以加油站加裝油槍油氣回收設備業者為探討對象,設計問卷採用郵寄、電話及現場訪問方法,探討經營者裝設油槍油氣回收設備的原因、實質效益及實際面臨的困擾問題,藉由分析油氣回收系統之滿意度及其影響因素以瞭解對環境問題的影響。 根據本研究結果,加裝油槍油氣回收設備後,實質之油氣味道減少。揮發性油氣對人體健康的危害,各加油站均有共同的認知與認同,政府輔導加油站業者裝置加油槍油氣回收設備以減少加油時油氣揮發影響空氣品質,此項功效本研究調查獲得證實。絕多數的公民營加油站裝設加油槍油氣回收設備的主要原因是「維護員工健康」。有附近六成之加油站業者表示滿意及非常滿意目前使用之油槍油氣回收設備。在實際面臨的困擾問題方面是經營成本明顯增加了。 從加油站使用油氣回收系統之滿意度與加油站設置基本條件之交叉分析結果,可知其滿意度與「區域的差異性」和「土地使用分區類型」無關,與「公民營別」、「售油量規模」及「加油槍廠牌」有關。此外,影響顧客加油時之滿意度因素,明顯地與「區域性」、「土地使用分區類型」及「加油站每月售油量規模」無關,影響的因素是「公民營別」及「加油槍廠牌(OPW)」。 環保署宜針對儲油槽油氣揮發量控制方面給于業者技術輔導,或定期測試油氣回收效果,以減少油氣揮發超量。應加強宣導加油站加裝油槍油氣回收後備,並且定期舉辦油氣回收系統之維修、保養訓練課程,使業者能正確、定期實施保養工作。宜儘速設立加油站專用之投書管道或電子郵件信箱,以確實瞭解、輔導及解決各項衍生問題。
This study aims at investigating gas station operators and customers, through questionnaires by mails, telephone calls and interviews, about the reasons and benefits of fixing the oil gas recycling on oil pump, in order to understand the effect of environmental problems. From the results of this study, the gas station operators admitted that, after fixing the oil gas recycling equipment, the gas odor has been reduced. Almost all of the gas stations recognized the fact that the oil gas is harmful to health. Thus, it was proven from this study that, for both public and private gas stations, most significant reason for fixing the oil gas recycling on oil pump is to protect the employees' health. About 60 percent of the gas station operators surveyed are satisfied or very satisfied with the oil gas recycling equipment on oil pump, although the cost has increased. The degree of satisfaction is positively related to "the difference between public or private owner", "the quantity of oil sale" and "the brands of oil pump", but nothing to do with "regional difference" and "the zoning of land uses". On the other hand, the degree of customers' satisfaction was influenced greatly by the factors of "the difference between public or private owners", and "the brands of oil pump", while "regional difference", "the zoning of land uses" and "monthly sale of the gas stations" are irrelevant. For the sake of reducing the oil gas, the EPA should give the operators the technical instructions pertaining to the control of the evaporation of oil gas, and should examine periodically the effects of the oil gas recycling. Moreover, the EPA should also promote the oil gas recycling equipment on oil pump, as well as provide the gas station operators with training courses of maintenance. Meanwhile, the gas stations should set up a special mail or email box for customer's opinions, in order to understand more precisely the problems concerning oil gas recycling equipment on oil pump, and further, to seek the solutions. |