目的:本研究目的為藉由不同材質表面的軟、硬特性及不同跳台高度的強度組合來進行落下跳躍,分析探討各表面材質及跳台高度在觸地前肌肉預先激活及觸地後潛伏期肌肉激活的下肢神經肌肉機制變化與相關性。方法:以大學體育學系男性學生16名為受試者,在4種不同材質表面 (草地、PU地、沙地、木地) 及4種不同高度跳台 (30、40、50、60公分) 進行落下跳躍,並使用2個 AMTI 測力板 (1000Hz) 及 Delsys 無線肌電儀器 (1000Hz) 收集下肢肌電參數。所有資料的整合、分析皆透過 The MotionMonitor 軟體來進行。統計方法使用4 × 4重複量數二因子變異數分析,並利用Cohen’s d 計算變數間的效應值;使用皮爾遜相關以了解各個材質表面與跳台高度在預激活階段肌電值及潛伏期階段肌電值之間的相關程度;最後分析比較前述皮爾遜相關係數在材質表面之間以及跳台高度之間的差異性,利用費雪 z (Fisher-z) 轉換法,將皮爾遜相關係數 r 值轉換為 z 值,檢驗相關係數之差異。
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze the changes and correlations of the muscle preactivation before the ground contact and latency activation after the ground contact of the lower limbs during drop jumps on different material surfaces and drop heights of platforms. Methods: Sixteen college male students from a physical education department will be recruited as subjects. They will perform drop jumps from four drop heights (30, 40, 50 and 60 cm) of platforms on four different material surfaces (grass, PU, sand and wood). Two AMTI force platforms (1000Hz) and a Delsys wireless electromyography system (1000Hz) will be used to collect electromyography parameters of the lower limbs. All data will be integrated and analyzed via The MotionMonitor (Innovative Sports Training, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software. A 4 × 4 two-way analysis of variance will be used to compare differences between surfaces and heights. Cohen's d will be calculated for the effect sizes. Pearson correlation will be used to explore the relationships between the muscle preactivation and latency activation in different material surfaces and heights of platforms. The Fisher-z transformation method will be used to convert the r-value of the Pearson correlation coefficient to the z-value to compare the differences of the correlation coefficients between different material surfaces and heights of platforms.