本計畫運用高光譜影像系統分析全色補彩顏料之色彩特性,經儀器級校正程序,同時讀取色樣的可見光與近紅外線頻譜反射率訊號,並以國際標準色度計算方式,整理成視覺色彩空間座標(CIELAB)與窄波(10 nm)取樣的高光譜反射率訊號,可以完整的建構國際上文保修復常用水性補彩顏料之基礎色彩資訊。再以資料庫的架構管理這些色彩特性數據,加上自行設計的視覺化介面,即可依明度、色相與彩度或色差等視覺色彩的索引方式,以科學化、系統化的檢索與鑑別補彩顏料,對於文保修復全色補彩之可辨識性與可逆性需求,提供重要的資訊化機制與研究上的應用輔助。未來還可以作為分析色彩組成時的基底向量數據,對科學化文物保存修護與數位典藏有長期之效用 This study deploys calibrated hyperspectral imaging system to acquire the spectral reflectance values of color pigments in both visible and near infrared bands. These data are further processed into CIELAB values and in spectral manner at 10 nm resolution and collected into a database. This database can provide searching and managing functions by indexing numerical values, like CIELAB or Colorimetric color difference and even spectral reflectance values in VIS and NIR bands. The commonly used water-based pigments for color compensation in international museum community are the target objects. Using this database, a researcher can find a suitable color pigment by using lightness, hue, chroma or minimum color difference criteria in the mean time seeing its spectral characteristics in the NIR area. It can be a very useful tool in selecting the proper pigment for color compensation. This color information of the pigments can be used as a knowledge base and also in further vector spaces analysis for spectral imaging application.