摘要: | 由於國際氣候治理機制逐漸成形,我國政府也以非核家園作為目標,我國的「能源轉型」任務可說刻不容緩;然而「轉型」由於涉及生活型態、價值觀和政治運作方式的大幅改變,因此急需全民謀求共識與合作行動,才能有實質意義上的進展。而我國囿於長期的「發展式國家」治理型態,決策傾向由中央由上而下制定推動,公民與社區在缺乏主動性與承諾感之下,國家推動的各項轉型工程即不易贏得社會齊心協力合作。 國際經驗顯示,以在地社區為主體的「能源合作社」型態,由於其靈活、民主和在地的經營型態,能在「推動效率」、「啟動創新」、「營造認同」以及「減少外部風險」等層面上發揮正面影響,擴大能源轉型的成效,達到遍地開花的效果。 目前在我國,由於民間的努力和地方政府培力下,新北市於2019年陸續成立了兩所地方型的能源合作社,分別以蘆荻社大和淡水社大為主體,首開風氣之先,成為我國地方能源合作社的先河。本計畫擬以此兩所機構為長期研究對象進行參與觀察和訪談,試圖了解能源合作社的內部互動、社區願景和創新模式,並整理出所面臨的困難,期能為我國能源轉型的「接地氣工程」建構理論範本,進而做出貢獻。
Owing to the establishment of international climate regime and Taiwan’s “non-nuke” policy, it is extremely urgent for Taiwan government to conduct energy transition in a faster pace. Given the fact transitions involve large-scale changes of lifestyles, values, and political operations, and therefore require common agreements and collaboration from most citizens to make substantial developments. However, the Taiwan government, while long constrained by the “developmental state” decision-making patterns, has been inclined to promote the transition in a “top-down” manner. Without the positivity and commitments from local citizens and communities, the transition projects could barely earn cooperation from social sectors. The global empirical evidences suggested, the energy co-operatives formed by local communities, given their flexible, democratic, and local features, are better capable of broadening the application of energy transition by “increasing efficiency”, “launching innovations”, “forging identification”, and “reducing external risks”. In Taiwan, owing to civil endeavors and capacity-building efforts from local governments, the first two local energy co-operatives emerged in 2019 in New Taipei City, out of the frameworks of Ludi and Tamsui community colleges respectively, and became the leading pioneers of citizen-based local energy co-operatives business. In order to make contributions to Taiwan’s energy transition in connecting the locality, this project aims to conduct a long-term participatory pilot study upon these two institutions and to explore the interactions, community visions, innovation models, and possible obstacles of the two energy pioneers. |