被溫暖的海水包圍的熱帶海洋大陸區(Maritime Continent)為一強對流活動區,其群島和周邊海域的地區具有深海,淺洋,山高與河流流域面積短等地理特徵。儘管僅據全球陸地面積的2%,但該地區的河流排水(river runoff)對全球海洋輸沙(sediment discharge)總量的貢獻率高達25%。來自當地河流系統的陸地營養物質輸入可以影響海洋營養鹽的供應,但其對初級生產的貢獻大多局限於沿海地區,因為大部分營養鹽在到達深海開放水域之前即被消耗殆盡。在海洋大陸區地區,海水葉綠素與氣候因子變化密切相關,MJO 是熱帶最顯著的大氣現象,但其對熱帶的海洋生物地球化學循環的影響卻未被了解。本計畫透過衛星觀測資料以及CFSR重分析資料,探究MJO所趨動的海洋與大氣物理作用力(如海洋環流、陸地降水、層化、渦流、日照)的變動,以及對海洋大陸地區海洋系統裡之生物地球化學的影響,以瞭解及評估海洋系統運作受到全球變遷的衝擊程度。全球變遷已成為21世紀最重大環境的議題,本研究不僅是純粹的科學議題,此部分成果亦可用於分析CMIP5/6模式與主計劃模式在海洋大陸地區模擬的能力與偏差。
Located within the climatological Indo-Pacific warm pool, the Maritime Continent (MC) produces one of the most biological diversity over the world both over land and ocean. Previous studies indicate biological variables in the MC waters are linked to changes in the physical environment associated with the climate factors, such as Monsoon, ENSO and IDO. To date, however, the MJO's impacts on the ocean biology are less studied. We propose to study the Chlorophyll distribution associated with the MJO forcing using satellite and reanalysis data. Our primary analysis showed significant chlorophyll blooming signals following the MJO propagation from the southern South China Sea to the Bismarck Sea. In the active phase, chlorophyll-a concentration in the Banda Sea is observed to increase 20% reference to the winter average. The MJO induced biological footprint is predominant. Here, possible factors limiting the chlorophyll growth, including the wind, Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR), Total suspended matter (TSM), will be examined to understand the key factors inducing the biological response.