「理欲之辨」是縱貫宋明清理學、心學與氣學之一重要的心性哲學課題。原先朱子理學作為主流思想,凸顯了儒學傳統《禮記》以來天理與人欲對峙的思維模式。在明代中期之後逐漸醞釀一股情欲解放的文學書寫與民間社會風潮。 王船山早於戴震一百年前的明清之際,建構了「理欲合一」的價值典範轉移。本研究計畫的問題意識聚焦於王船山理欲合一論之觀念史的思想脈絡分析與理論系統的詮釋,並嘗試闡釋其當代道德義涵。
Zhu Xi (朱熹,1130-1200)unveiled the thinking mode of "to distinguish between reason and desires"(理欲之辨)in the Southern Song Dynasty. It is an important subject of moral philosophy in the Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties. At the time between the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the important value paradigms such as "the unity of reason and desires"(理欲合一) appeared. The problem consciousness of this program focuses on how Wang Chuan-shan (王船山,1619-1692) pioneered the construction of his " the unity of reason and desires"(理欲合一).This program carries out the meaning analysis and theoretical interpretation of Wang Chuan-shan's" the unity of reason and desires"(理欲合一), and attempts to define its contemporary moral meaning.