摘要: | 透過2年和7個亞洲暨南太平洋國家(台灣、韓國、泰國、馬來西亞、印度、伊拉克、和澳洲)的國際合作,本研究計劃的研究目的有三:(ㄧ)探討亞洲地區(包括台灣、韓國、泰國、馬來西亞、印度、伊拉克、和澳洲)具有文化特色的運動迷信行為;(二)編制具有心理計量學信度與效度的運動迷信量表。,並檢驗量表的心理計量學屬性;(三)檢驗運動員迷信信念、心理能量、競賽焦慮、自信心、和表現的關係。特別是心理能量的中介效果。
By an international collaboration with 7 countries (Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Iraq, and Australia), the purposes of this 2-year project is to achieve the following purposes: (a) to explore a unique sports superstition experiences in Asia-South Pacific region including Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Iraq, India, and Australia; (b) according to the results from study 1, we plan to develop a sport-specific sports superstition scale, and examine its' psychometric properties; (c) to examine the relationships among sports superstition, competitive anxiety, confidence, athletic mental energy, and performance; and examine the mediating role of athletic mental energy among above relationship. |