For a long time, music and painting have carried human history, been the emblem of political power, cultural literacy and emotional trust. Artists extensively utilize the elements of music and painting in various arts’ creative expressions. Musicality of painting flavor is often seen with commingled expressions in the field of painting.
This article focuses on the thought and characteristic concerning creation with musicality of painting flavor, expounds on how the musicality of painting flavor could be formed and visualized in painting, and explores the connection among artists, works and spectators.
The corollary of this article is that most painters often utilize the outward appearance of musical instrument or notes, and transform them into visible art symbols, or utilize musical terminology as propositions for their works. These methods have their own interpretations depend on the creators’ personal viewpoints. Obviously artists’ viewpoints often embedded with philosophical thinking which bring together artists, works and spectators in an open-minded and interactive relationship environment. Especially the deterritorialization appeared in the works with musicality of painting flavor, and expression of mutual ¨other¨ prove how philosophical thinking benefits art creation.
This article concludes that based on philosophical thinking, art creations with musicality of painting flavor will show exuberance of painting flavor, but also inevitably overflow with artistic sense of rhythm.