摘要: | 有關構成要件錯誤之相關議題,諸如等價客體錯誤、打擊錯誤及因果歷程錯誤等錯誤問題,依通說對該錯誤之處罰,總令人質疑其處罰之妥當性。
The issues related to the error of the constituent element, such as the error of equivalent objects, the error in the blow (Aberratio Ictus) and the error of causal process, often raise questions about the appropriateness of its punishment.
Therefore, this thesis attempts to discuss the evaluation of the error of equivalent objects from multiple perspectives. Firstly, in terms of the concordance of legal order, I compare the identity error in Civil Code and the error of equivalent objects in Criminal Code. Secondly, in terms of the subjective quality of the error of equivalent objects, I analyze the appropriateness of the punishment for the error of equivalent objects. Thirdly, in terms of the element of crime, I discuss the error of equivalent objects and point out the flaws regarding the theory of statutory conformation and the principle of equivalence. Fourthly, in terms of the prevention of crime as well as the protection of the victim, I inquire into the appropriateness of the punishment for the actor who commits the error of equivalent objects. Fifthly, in terms of the homicide of the lineal blood ascendant, I argue that it is advisable to take a restrictive approach to interpreting the evaluation of the error of equivalent objects. Lastly, I discuss the punishment for the solicitor when the solicitee commits the error of equivalent objects, and argue that the solicitor is not responsible for the error of equivalent objects committed by the solicitee from the perspectives of both the accessoriness of the accomplice in Criminal Code and indirect agency in Civil Code.
As for the error in the blow, it is legitimate to apply such concept only with the specific and dynamic analysis of the interrelationship between the actor, the intended object and the accidental object, i.e. the actor is likely to harm both the intended object and the accidental object at the initiation of his act. In theory, the punishment for criminal conduct involving the error of causal process with delayed results is either excessive or inadequate. This thesis draws an analogy between such conduct and the result-qualified offence (Erfolgsqualifizierten Delikten). Due to their similarities, it is advisable that the punishment be imposed in reference to the result-qualified offence. |