摘要: | 本研究目的在探討主動性人格特質、遊憩設施使用需求與生活滿意度三者之間的因果關係,並檢視遊憩設施使用需求的中介效果。先前的研究鮮少探討此三者之間的關係,本研究開創性地從個人的人格特質出發,在遊憩活動場所的設施使用需求與生活滿意度之間做一個緊密的連結。本研究結果顯示:具主動性人格特質的人愈明顯之遊憩者,對生活滿意度的程度愈高,其主要的貢獻是來自於情感的認同。主動性人格特質愈明顯的人,對於遊憩活動之持續性涉入的程度較高,故遊憩設施使用需求的程度愈高。遊憩設施使用需求在主動性人格特質與生活滿意度間扮演著中介的角色,即主動性人格特質透過遊憩設施使用需求而對生活滿意度產生影響。
本研究採用量化研究,以65歲以上之銀髮族為抽樣對象,總共發放380份問卷,一對一的輔助填答方式,回收率為100 %。根據文獻回顧及研究假設,本研究採用SPSS 20.0統計分析軟體進行敘述性統計分析、信度分析、效度分析、相關分析、迴歸分析、以及中介效果分析,並提出具體學術與實務貢獻,結論與建議。
The purpose of this study is to explore the causal relationship between active personality traits, recreational facility use needs and life satisfaction, and to examine the intermediary effects of recreational facility use needs. Previous studies rarely explored the relationship between the three. This study pioneered the development of personal personality traits and made a close connection between the use of recreational facilities and life satisfaction. The results of this study show that the more obvious people with active personality traits are recreational people, the higher the degree of satisfaction with life, and the main contribution is from emotional identification. People with more obvious active personality traits have a higher degree of continuous involvement in recreational activities, so the higher the demand for the use of recreational facilities. The demand for recreational facilities plays an intermediary role between active personality traits and life satisfaction, that is, active personality traits have an impact on life satisfaction through the use of recreational facilities.
In this study, a quantitative study was used, with silver-haired people over the age of 65 as the sampling object, a total of 380 questionnaires were distributed, one-to-one supplementary answering method, the recovery rate was 100%. According to the literature review and research hypothesis, this study uses SPSS 20.0 statistical analysis software for descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and intermediary effect analysis, and proposes specific academic and practical contributions, conclusions and Suggest. |