摘要: | 高齡化的來臨,使得旅遊業的經營者也開始注重年長者的觀光市場,在全球皆以旅遊業作為經濟成長目標的同時,鎖定相對具有閒暇時間與高消費能力的高齡消費者是重要的策略。有鑑於此,為了確保高齡者在進行旅遊時可以獲得益處,充實老年生活而達成心理健康,必須關注高齡旅客的旅遊動機,是否知覺到旅遊的價值,並且促進其活躍老化,才可進而達到自身的幸福感, 對於高齡者旅遊之心理素質來說,有意義的旅遊行為與態度是極需探究的課題。
本研究主要探討高齡旅客旅遊動機、知覺價值、活躍老化與幸福感之關聯性,並以台灣籍高齡旅遊者作為研究對象,研究目的在於探求變項彼此之間關係,並建構整體模型的完整性,採用問卷調查法的方式進行資料蒐集,並以量化研究方式完成分析,研究方法以結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)之驗證性因素分析(confirmatory factor analysis, CFA)確認各變項之信效度,以潛在結構模式(latent variable modeling, LVM)檢驗各項研究假設。本研究結果預計可知旅遊動機對於知覺價值、活躍老化與幸福感之正向影響,對於研究脈絡中的理論模式亦探討間接效果的比較,探求知覺價值與活躍老化此兩者作為中介變項以提升幸福感之效果是否有所差異。本研究結論將可對於旅遊業者有所啟示,亦可對未來高齡旅遊者在檢視自身旅遊行為的省思,提供高齡者與產業界之實務參考建議。
This study age of high to Pro, Tourism operators have begun to focus on sight-seeing seniors, While global tourism as an economic growth target, Lock the idle rich, elderly person of high spending power is an important strategy. So in order to ensure that the elderly person Keyihuode fulfilling life and reach old age mental health during travel, Tourism motivation high ages travelers have to concern, Is there value reached Tourism, Before they can achieve their own happiness, For high-quality mental age of tourists for meaningful travel behavior and attitudes that we must explore the issue.
This study focused on elderly passenger tourism motivation, perceived value, active aging and relevance of happiness, Senior citizens and tourists to Taiwan as an object of study, Research aimed at exploring the relationship between each other variables, And to establish the integrity of the overall model, In a questionnaire sur-vey conducted data collection, Study to quantify the way to complete the analysis, Research methods to analyze structural equation (structural equation, SEM) model-ing, Confirmatory factor analysis (confirmatory factor analysis, CFA) Confirm the credibility of each of the variables, Check with Latent variable model (latent struc-tural model, LVM), test the hypothesis. The results of this study can be expected to know the motive for the perceived value of tourism, Active Aging and positive im-pact on well-being, For the study also explored the theoretical model, more indirect effects, explore the perceived value of active aging, both as intervening variables, to enhance the well-being of whether the effect vary. Conclusions of this study will have implications for the tourism industry, also on the future of high-aged tourists view their travel behavior of Reflection, to provide high-age peers with industry practice reference. |