背景:划船 (Rowing) 是一項極具耐力的運動。近年國際划船賽事是否能在啟航階段取得優勢位置成為影響比賽的重要因素之一。再者,划船選手為追求更佳運動表現,則會採用不同熱身策略。目前諸多科學研究結果顯示活化後增益現象 (post-activation potentiation, PAP) 具備提升熱身後的主運動效果。目的:本研究旨在比較有無介入六角槓硬舉對高中划船選手啟航表現之影響。方法:招募12名接受一年以上專業訓練的健康男性高中划船選手 (身高:174 ± 3.76 公分;體重71 ± 6.1 公斤),分別接受介入與無介入六角槓硬舉動作,搭配5分鐘恢復休息;再進行500公尺划船機測試。統計方法分別採用相依樣本t檢定及單因子相依樣本ANOVA;以α =0.05 設為顯著性考驗水準。結果:依相依樣本t檢定分析結果發現,介入六角槓硬舉對啟航表現之總平均功率值及總完成時間不具統計學上的顯著差異性 (p=.086;p=.90);但在啟航表現之分段功率中發現各區間中具有顯著差異 (p=.000)。結論:由本研究得知,利用六角槓硬舉作為誘發活化後增益的熱身方式對高中划船選手未能有效提升啟航表現。
Background: Rowing demands on the endurance-based sport. Currently, the start driving performance acts as a vital factor in international rowing events. Moreover, rowers used to adopt different warm-up strategies for pursuing higher achievement. The scientific research revealed that the post-activation potentiation (PAP) is an effective warm-up intervention in improving the main exercise. Purpose: This study is to analyze the effects of PAP induced by the intervention of hexagonal-bar deadlift on the rowing start performance in high school rowers. Methods: This study recruited 12 healthy male high school rowers with a minimum of 1 year of training experience (height: 174 ± 3.76 cm; weight: 71 ± 6.1 kg). For participants younger than 18 years old, their parents were asked to sign the informed consent. Each participant has to accept hexagonal-bar deadlift PAP with 5-minute inter-set rest periods, and then a 500-meter rowing test was done on Concept 2 ergometer. The statistical analysis utilized the paired-sample t-test and the Repeated-measures One-way ANOVA. The significance level was set at α= 0.05. Results: It was found that the total average power and total completing time in the intervention of the hexagonal-bar deadlift group on starting performance did not have significant differences (p=.086; p=.90). However, it exited significant effects between start split power performance (p=.000). Conclusion: The PAP warm-up strategy induced by the hexagonal-bar deadlift may not effectively improve the rowing start performance in high school rowers.