摘要: | 背景:排球選手的跳躍高度與爆發能力是比賽致勝的關鍵因素。近年雪橇推行訓練儼然成為非傳統阻力訓練的主流項目。雪橇訓練已被證實能夠有效提升運動員加速度;然而雪橇訓練效果能否將水平位移方向的動量轉換為排球運動員專項的垂直跳躍能力仍待釐清。目的:本研究旨在探討雪橇推行介入對於排球運動員跳躍能力之立即性及延遲效果。方法:招募19名青少年男子排球選手為受試者 (年齡:17.53 ± 2.82歲,身高:173.16 ± 5.92公分,體重:70.26 ± 12.05公斤)。測驗項目為排球專項性跳躍測驗:蹲踞跳 (squat jump, SJ)、反向跳 (counter-movement jump, CMJ) 與著地反彈跳 (drop jump, DJ)。三項跳躍動作測驗共分三次進行,每次測驗間隔至少48至72小時。先進行基本動態熱身,再進行專項性跳躍測驗作為前測;接著介入ㄧ趟20公尺2.5倍自身體重量的雪橇推行,隨後在不同休息恢復時間 (自變項):15秒、3、6、9、12分鐘後,進行後測專項性跳躍;每項跳躍皆取最佳成績。統計方法採單因子相依樣本ANOVA分析不同休息時間之跳躍高度與峰值功率輸出值,並設α = 0.05為顯著性水準。結果:雪橇推行介入在休息3分鐘後之蹲踞跳 (F=7.447,p<0.01)、反向跳 (F=15.627,p<0.01)、著地反彈跳 (F=6.491,p<0.01) 之高度與峰值功率輸出值皆達顯著差異。結論:雪橇推行介入後的3分鐘休息時間能夠有效提升排球運動員之跳躍能力;而PAP效益亦可延遲至12分鐘。
Background: The key to winning in volleyball games depends on the players' jumping height and explosive power ability. At present, the sled-pushing exercise has become an option of non-traditional resistance training. Sled-pushing was proven to increase the acceleration of athletes effectively. However, how the horizontal momentum of sled-pushing exercise transferring to volleyball performance-related vertical jump (PRVJ) ability remains to be clarified. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the acute and carry-over effects of a sled-pushing intervention on the jumping ability of volleyball players. Method: Nineteen young male volleyball players (age: 17.53 ± 2.82 yrs; height: 173.16 ± 5.92 cm; weight: 70.26 ± 12.05 kg) were recruited for this study. The PRVJ test includes squat jump (SJ), counter-movement jump (CMJ), and drop jump (DJ). Each trial separated by 48 hours of rest to allow for adequate recovery and valid measurements. After conducting the dynamic warm-up, participants executed the pre-PRVJ tests. Then, participants performed a set of sled-pushing with 2.5 times of body weight and jump tests but with a different rest interval for each of the conditions: a) fifteen seconds (Post-1/4), b) three minutes (Post-3), c) six minutes (Post-6), d) nine minutes (Post-9), and e) twelve minutes (Post-12). The three between PRVJ tests were performed in a randomized order. Data are presented as means ± standard deviations (SD). Furthermore, Repeated-measures One-way ANOVA was used to compare values between jump height and peak power output (PPO) for a given rest interval. The significance level was set at α= 0.05. Result: The jump hight and PPO of the SJ test (F=7.447, p<0.01), CMJ test (F=15.627, p<0.01), and DJ test (F=6.491, p< 0.01) achieved the significantly different. Conclusion: Sled-pushing intervention with three-minute rest may improve the performance-related jumping ability of volleyball players effectively, and the benefits of PAP can be elongated to 12 minutes. |