摘要: | 中華民國政府自1949年播遷來台後,雖努力維持國際地位、爭取國際對我之支持,然終究不敵國際結構與歷史現實,在美國與我斷交並與中國(以下簡稱中國)建交後,我國際地位及國家發展方向,持續深受中國與美國關係變遷的影響。兩岸政府在國共內戰起即長期處於對峙狀態,雙方在國家定位、主權觀點等存在巨大歧異,更因為台灣邁向民主化與政黨輪替後,彼此差異更形擴大,也促使台海演變成為東亞不穩定的因素之一。
Since the Government of the Republic of China relocated to Taiwan in 1949. Despite its efforts to maintain international status and strive for international support, Taiwan eventually lost the ground to international structures and realities. Since then, the international status and national development direction of Taiwan have been greatly affected by the changes in China-US relations. Cross-strait governments have been in a state of confrontation until nowadays. Why two sides have great differences in national positioning and sovereignty views, it is because Taiwan has moved toward democratization and the rotation of political parties. The difference between them has become more and more widened. This situation also prompted the Taiwan Strait became a factor of instability in East Asia. The United States, which has been the maintainer and balancer of the cross-strait for many years. US has been guided by its national interests in the US-China-Taiwan triangular relationship in the past 70 years. However, maintaining order and controllable competition and cooperation is still the key principles of making policy. China opened the Sino-US interactive channel in the US-Soviet Cold War. Afterwards, China formed a closer interactive relationship with the US due to reform, opening up, and economic globalization. Nonetheless, China has to recognize that the US as a balanced role in cross-strait relations. Before China could transform the US-China-Taiwan trilateral status, US could be a channel to suppress Taiwan becoming independent.
The fact that cooperation and transition in Sino-US relations become more complex recent years. It not only affected the direction of the international political and economic structure, but also had a profound impact on the future development of Taiwan. This study attempts to make a summary of how the development of Sino-US strategic relations in the past decade affecting Taiwan through strategic triangle theory. With historical research approaches and literature analysis methods, author would hope to make some personal contributions to Taiwan’s strategic research. This study shows that both the past and the foreseeable future, the biggest factor affecting Taiwan’s strategic direction coming from the United States. In the US-China-Taiwan strategic triangle, how the United States views and judges its strategic relationship with China has a particular influence on the choice of Taiwan’s governors. This is inevitable under the structure of cross-strait sovereign confrontation and unequal power. As a result, the US-China-Taiwan triangular relationship can only be deduced from the analysis of the strategic triangle in the "romantic triangle" and "stable marriage" states. It is difficult for the three parties to be friendly, the ménage à trots, at the same time. Even it is happening, it only last for a short period of time. Also, it is impossible for Taiwan to interact with the US and China as enemies at the same time. For the Taiwanese ruling party and the general public, it is difficult to distinguish between the two strong powers. How to correctly view the changes in US-China relations, and to act as a third party with goodwill should be the most pragmatic in safeguarding our country’s interests and security practice. |