方法:本研究預定招募 11 位高中划船選手,以隨機平衡次序方式分別進行三種不同實驗處理。實驗處理包括苦味劑漱口後攝入處理、安慰劑處理、控制處理,間歇衝刺採 6 趟 30 秒溫蓋特衝刺,間隔 3 分鐘靜態恢復。實驗過程中,以肌電儀器檢測下肢股四頭與股二頭的運動神經元招募情況。另外,實驗過程中同時蒐集RPE、血乳酸等生理指標,評估實驗處理介入後運動強度與生理變化之情況。本研究所得各項資料,以描述性統計建立受試者各項基本資料,以重覆量數單因子變異數分析,考驗各項指標在三種實驗處理間的差異,當統計達顯著水準 p < .05時,以 LSD 事後比較法進行分析。結果: 6 趟 30 秒溫蓋特衝刺的最大功率、平均功率與疲勞遞減率在三種處理間,皆未達顯著差異。下肢股四頭肌與股二頭肌的平均頻率在三種處理間,未發現顯著差異。在中位頻率部分,股四頭肌與股二頭肌在三種不同實驗處理間未發現顯著差異。結論:本研究結果發現苦味溶液漱口無法提升划船選手間歇衝刺划船運動表現。
Purpose : To investigate the effects of bitter solution mouth rinse on interval sprints performance and neuromuscular function. Methods : Eleven male high school rower were voluntarily recruited in this repeated measure and crossover designed study. In this study, participants were tested by rowing ergometers. During the test, 6 bouts of 30s Wingate was used with 3min recovery between each sprints. All participants were requested to perform three different treatments, including Quinine bitter solution (QT)、placebo (PLA) and control (CON). The CON treatment was without any mouth rinse while the QT were with 2mml/L bitter solution rinsed their mouth for 10 s before the test and during recovery time. Power output, stroke rate and electromyography (EMG) was recorded during the sprints. Blood lactate and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured after each sprint. Results : The maximal and mean power of the interval sprints test were no significantly improved in the three trials。The root mean square、median frequency and mean frequency of the EMG test were no significantly different in the three trials。 Conclusion : The results of this study found that bitter solution mouth rinse could not improve rowing performance on interval sprints。