本論文架構上共分為五章,分別為:第一章「緒論」;第二章「臺灣網路電信詐欺犯罪」;第三章「網路電信詐欺犯罪防制相關立法檢討」;第四章「《網路犯罪公約》發展與我國相關法規參考性之探討」;第五章「結論」。藉由整理相關學術文獻之見解,並蒐集相關實務判決統整分析,由實務層面探討刑法第339 條之4 加重詐欺罪之立法議題,並分析歐洲理事會《網路犯罪公約》之專有名詞、相關條款、專屬命令等引進我國之可能性,且將整份公約予以中文化,最後提出本論文之心得俾供立法者作為未來修法上之參考。
The innovation of network technology has influenced various industries and at the same time has a great impact on all aspects of social life. Driven by the interests, the use of the telecommunication network to commit crimes is intensifying. The criminal fraud has all kinds of ways and behavior. The most serious kind of it is the telecom fraud from the perspective of the number of cases. It has brought many challenges to judicial practice because it made huge social harm and the ever-changing way of crime. Due to inadequate fraud criminal law of Taiwan, it is very difficult to convict these fraud suspects to prevent telecomm fraud crime. So people lose confidence on authorities. Therefore, telecom fraud has become the insurmountable topic of judicial practice and in recent years it has become the focus of criminal law theory and judicial practice because it usually involves several countries.
There are five chapters in this thesis, Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Overview of Network Telecom Fraud Crime, Chapter 3: Legislative Matters Related to Network Telecom Fraud Crime Prevention and Inadequate Practices of Current Laws, Chapter 4: Discussion of Development of Network Telefraud Convention and How Legislative Process of Taiwan Can Refer to, Chapter 5: Conclusion. We discuss legislative agendas related to "Aggravated False Pretense" in the 339th-4, criminal law based on current legal precedents. We also translate the "Eupropean Union Network Telefraud Convention" into Chinese and analyze the possibilities to leverage the terms, articles and orders of it in the legislative process of Taiwan. Hope this thesis can be referred by Taiwan lawmaker in the future legislative process.