摘要: | 因為時代與科技的演變,現行聚眾鬥毆的方式與型態也變得和舊有的方式不同。而以往研究聚眾鬥毆的成因跟犯罪防制的方式,並未考量此種變遷導致的新型態犯罪成因跟如何針對此類犯罪進行防制。聚眾鬥毆修法之後,也為了因應目前網路平台及通訊軟體的快速發展,不限於隨時可增加,明定3人以上就是「聚眾」。此外,研究結果指出目前聚眾鬥毆發生的原因,除了偶發性的單一事件肢體衝突之外,尚有情義相挺、宗教活動的潛藏利益、地方角頭涉入地方利益、施用毒品產生的暴怒行為、黑幫糾眾滋事鞏固地位、網路遊戲演變的隱憂、直播主利用網路平台成為犯罪溫床等因素。為了有效防治及降低聚眾鬥毆情事發生,本文導入犯罪學理論中的理性選擇理論、社會控制理論、日常活動理論、犯罪副文化理論及歸納具體防治作為,以利警方勤務作為的考量。另外提供司法實務的認知及判決觀點,並整理出目前警方實務工作上適用的法規,據以供第一線執勤員警執法參考。而研究建議除了分析立法方面、司法方面、行政作為等3方面實務面臨的情況外,另提供目前第一線員警處理方式與實際因應作為建議。
With the changes of trends and technology, the phase and form of crimes of affray now are much than before different. In the early research of prevention and Cause of the Criminology in affray didn't consider that these changes caused the reason of the new forms of crime and how to prevent this kind of crime. After the legislation of the law of the affray, it isn't limited, each of three or more than three people called group that is stipulated by law, and these are also the reactions of the rapid developments of the
platform of the internet and the social media so far. Furthermore, the results of research pointed that the reason of affray currently, not only sporadically single fight ,but also including Loyalty among friends, the potential interests of the religious activities, the local gangsters are involved in local interests, drugs used exerts an effect on the violent behavior, affray organized by mafia to consolidate their status, the implied and concerned problem of the changes of the online games, streamers use the internet platform to be criminal channels. To effectively prevent and decrease the crime of affray, this article included Rational Choice Theory, Social Bond Theory, The Routine Active Theory, Deviance Subculture Theory, and these would be the consideration of the duties of the police. In addition, providing the knowledge and the view of judgements of judicial practice and sorting out the rules which is suitable to the practice of police on work currently, to let the forefront police reference this on their work.
And the suggestions of the research, not only analysis the practice of legislation, administration of justice, and administrative law, these three orientations to be the situations would face in practice, but also provide the solutions and practical operation for the front line officers as a guideline. |