本文首先討論認字的基本教學策略: 由下而上與由上而下的教學策略,分別衍生自不同的訊息處理模式,進而從學習者的角度出發,透過分析學習者的動機、成效與個人學習因素來了解學習者在認字過程中受這兩種教學策略的影響。 而研究方法則採用準實驗-事前事後研究設計,資料蒐集方法為學習者背景問卷調查、課室觀察、比較前後詞彙測驗以及訪談學習者,最後再以紮根理論分析資料。研究對象為國立臺北藝術大學來自不同國家的外籍研究生,程度為初級學習者。
The purpose of this research is to aim for understanding the difficulties of foreign adult beginners learning the Chinese words and discussing the strategies for recognizing the Chinese words. Two different teaching strategies take place to understand the relationship between learners’ learning motivation and the learning result, the learners’ learning motivation and the strategies preference, and personal learning style and the strategies preference.
This research first discussed the two basic teaching strategies: bottom-up processing and top-down processing then analyzed the relationship between the learners’ motivation learning results and the strategies from the learners’ perspective.
The research method is Quasi-experiment. The data collecting procedure were background surveys, classroom observation, tests, and interviews. Finally, it used grounded theory to analyze the data.
The result findings are that learners have more instrumental orientation than integrative orientation. Learners prefer Chinese word stories but using a component strategy to memorize the Chinese words. The learning results do not directly reflect on the strategy preference.