As awareness to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) emerged, the issue of whether cooperates are living up to the responsibilities they shouldered to the society has accumulated consciousness taking the issue into concern, Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) strategies were widely applied to achieve a trilateral win situation for corporates, non-profit organizations and consumers. Accordingly, CRM plays the role of attaining the win-win situation on social responsibility and profits for corporations, for it could not only benefit the disadvantaged, but also promote corporate images. Furthermore, celebrity endorsement related marketing strategies has followed increasingly popularity of CRM. Through the significance and distinctness of celebrity endorsement, brand awareness has also enhanced exceptionally. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to discuss the impact of celebrity endorsement, CRM and customer recognition on revisit intention of customers. The case of Water Buffalo Fusion Restaurant is the object of this study, with the methods of collecting online and physical questionnaires. Statistical approaches applied in the study are descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, analysis of variance and regression analysis. Findings indicate celebrity endorsement and customer recognition both variables have noteworthy impact on customer recognition. Consequently, the study recommends merchants should exerts their influence, participate more in related activities and promote their products after understanding to increase customer recognition. This study provides the above mentioned academic and practical recommendations for reference.