台灣目前人口與家庭結構正面臨巨大改變;依內政部資料顯示單獨居住戶(每戶人口僅一人)每年均呈現增加趨勢,一個人的經濟也延申至旅遊業。一個人的旅行逐漸成為風氣,但團體全備旅遊仍是許多人旅遊方式的選項。以往對單獨旅遊者之研究多在旅遊動機、人格特質與自助旅遊偏好等;鮮少關於單獨旅遊者參團之研究,本研究擬以KANO 模式探討單獨旅遊者參與團體全備旅遊時個人對旅遊服務品質之需求要項,共分成餐飲、住宿、休閒娛樂、購物、交通及導遊領隊服務等六個構面,透過Kano 二維品質歸類,在十九個品質項目中,有五項魅力品質,七項一維品質,六項無差異品質及一項反轉品質,本研究結果可提供相關產業參考.
A Study on the Individual Service Quality Demands of Taiwan’s current population and family structure are facing tremendously change; according to the Ministry of the Interior, solitary households (only one person per household) show an increasing trend each year, and one person’s economy has also been extended to tourism. The individual travel has gradually become the trend, but group package tour is still an option for many people. Studies in the past on individual tourists mostly focused on travel motivation, personality traits and individual travel preferences; few studies on individual tourists joining a group. This study intends to use the Kano model to explore individual tourists’ travel services when participating in group full travel. The quality requirements are divided into six parts: catering accommodation, leisure and entertainment, shopping, transportation and tour guide services. Through the two-dimensional quality classification of kano, there are five attractive quality, seven one-dimensional quality, six indifferent qualities and one reverse quality in the nineteen quality items, the results of this study can provide relevant industry reference.