摘要: | 我國立法院於2019年三讀通過《都市更新條例修正案》,用以落實都市更新政策,都市更新儼然成為政府當前施政的首重指標。面對台灣住宅日益老舊和人口高齡化的問題,無障礙空間及安全友善的公共空間需求日益擴大,政府為提升都市景觀與區域整合願景,以三大面向:「健全重要機制」、「解決實務困境」及「強化程序正義」提出都市更新的解決方案。故本研究探討未來都市更新如何在意見分歧下,整合關係人之間共同目標及利益為本篇宗旨。
In 2019, the Legislative Yuan of the R.O.C. passed the readings of the Amendment to the Urban Renewal Act to implement the urban renewal policies. Urban renewal has become the key indicator of the current policy implementation of the government. With issues of old residences and the aging population in Taiwan, the demand for bar-rier-free space, safe, and friendly public spaces has been increasing. To improve the prospect of urban view and regional integration, the government proposed the solutions for urban generation based on three aspects, including “optimize material systems,” “solve practical difficulties,” and “reinforce procedural justice.” Therefore, the pur-pose of the study is to explore how to integrate the joint objectives and interests of stakeholders with differences in opinions.
However, the crucial factor in realizing policies on urban renewal is the cognitive differences between stakeholders. Cognitive differences result in the schedule delay for urban renewal. A comprehensive procedure is the best protection to citizens’ interests, facilitating the efficiency of urban renewal. To create a win-win situation for urban renewal, both the implementation of urban renewal as well as the rebuilding of urban functions has become imminent. In view of the method, the study initially explored the current state of urban renewal implementation and the difficulties faced by urban re-newal, understood the cognitive differences between the public sector, the private sec-tor, and the owners during the course of urban renewal through in-depth interviews, and analyzed the results with supporting data, and proposed a solution for the accelera-tion of urban renewal.
Through literature review and in-depth interviews, the study found the extreme complexity of items under urban renewal. Even though the government has amended the law and provided multiple provisions to facilitate the process of urban renewal, the development of urban renewal failed to be accelerated as expected. The study recom-mends the following after its exploration: 1. Establish laws and ensure transparency to improve the trust and mutual consensus between stakeholders; 2. Simplify the proce-dures for urban renewal to minimize disputes; 3. Establish an information exchange platform to manifest the mutual consensus; 4. A rebuilding time shall be set based on the building year of old buildings, and shall provide rewards as incentives; 5. Set up relevant mediation court for the issues of disputes that cannot reach consensus to facil-itate the continuation of urban renewal.
The issue of urban renewal has been under discussion for years, which faces the dif-ficulties regarding factors of humans and the environment, methods to solve disputes, and the mutual trust between stakeholders. However, the process of urban renewal is a cycle of conflict, negotiation, and mutual trust; where the cognitive differences may be minimized through the use of data and the establishment of clear laws and regulations; it may raise hope for urban renewal and become a milestone for facilitating the nation-al construction and urban development. |