本研究旨在探討課程滿意度對於教師參與研習的內在動機及研習成效認知,是否具有部分中介影響。以網路問卷方式,對於參與研習課程的學員做問卷調查,共回收問卷206份,使用IBM Amos軟體進行結構模型分析。
In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the trainees who participated in the training course in the form of online questionnaires. A total of 206 questionnaires were collected and used IBM Amos software to perform SEM. In this study, CR is greater than 0.6; AVE is greater than 0.5, indicating that this study is in line with CFA analysis. Secondly, the GFI of this study is greater than 0.9, the AGFI is greater than 0.9, and the RMSEA is between 0.05 and 0.08, showing that the overall model of this study is well-fitted.
Finally, through Bootstrap to test the intermediary effect, we get course satisfaction has a partial mediating influence on teachers’ internal motivation to participate in research and the perception of learning effectiveness.