摘要: | 本研究的目的是藉由分光測色儀與Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE(配色軟體)建立精明配色以提高第一次電腦配色的準確率及減少後續修色的次數來提升整個打色流程的效率。本研究以化驗室人員所染出的布塊及之前的核可樣建立精明資料庫,精明資料庫需要建立到一定的量使配色軟體可以給出精明配方的建議。選定灰、紅、藍、黃、綠、紫六大色系,每一色系包含五色,總共三十色,分別以一般配色與精明配色抓取配方並進行染色,染後由分光儀分析與標準樣的CMC DE,依照精明配方染出的布塊若未達到核可範圍需以精明修色修至核可並記錄次數,最後將以精明配方染至核可的布塊做色牢度檢驗。
由實驗結果可得知在第一次配色中精明配方有二十一色的CMC DE是小於一般配方,且有十三色已在核可範圍內(CMC DE 1.0以內),其餘未核可的十七色中有十六色經由一次的精明修色即可核可,剩餘的一色需修至二次。三十塊核可布樣在各項色牢度檢驗中皆在四級以上。
The purpose of this research is to create Smart Match software by spectrometer and Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE(color matching software)to improve the accuracy of the first computer color matching and reduce the frequency of subsequent color correction and to improve the efficiency of the entire dyeing process. In this study, the smart match database was created base on the fabric dyed by the laboratory staff and the previously approved samples, the smart match database input requires reach certain volume so that the color matching software can give a smart formula. Select the six color systems of gray, red, blue, yellow, green, and purple, each color system contains five colors, a total of 30 colors, these 30 colors use general color matching and smart color matching to create formulas and according the formulas to dye sample, after dyeing, use spectrometer to analyze the CMC DE between Master standard and fabric, if the fabric dyed according to the smart formula does not reach the approved range, it needs to be modified with smart correction till it is approved and need to record, finally, the approved fabrics dyed by smart formula are tested for color fastness.
According the experimental results, it can be known that in the first color matching, the CMC DE of 21 colors in the smart formula is less than the general formula, and 13 colors have been within the approved range (within CMC DE 1.0) ,16 colors of the remaining unapproved 17 colors can be approved by one time smart correction, and the remaining 1 color can be approved by two time smart correction. Thirty pieces of approved fabric samples are all above grade 4 in each color fastness test. |