Global warming is becoming more and more obvious, ice melting in North and South Pole, rapid rising of sea level, destruction of atmospheric layer, atmospheric cannot isolate effectively the thermal energy, the irregular ultra-intense hurricanes in different regions of the world and the hitting of sudden heat waves. Major disasters keep happening around the world, land area is disappearing gradually, and the unlimited destruction on the natural environment of Mother earth by human shall ultimately resulted in massive increase in carbon dioxide. This study has chosen the domestic petrochemical industry as its research object. Through qualitative research and investigation, it explores in depth industrial ecology in the upstream, midstream and downstream of our petrochemical industry, and compares it with foreign manufacturers as well as the impact of government policies to the environment.
Suggestions made in this study includes the following:
1.In the social responsibility report and interviews with companies in our petrochemical industry, special measures and cases in policy and practice for the improvement of environmental quality that does not affect the current status of air pollution, greenhouse effect, and water resources, etc ...
2.Information relevant to carbon emission on the upstream, midstream and downstream of the petrochemical industry shall disclosed in the CSR report.
3.Compare the real cases that meet the conditions for improvement of climate change in foreign petrochemical industry.
4.Divergence between the policy and implementation in carbon emission of our petrochemical industry as well as that in foreign petrochemical industry.