一、 透過完整建置的托育服務手冊及教育訓練,能增加托育人員的專業知能及素質,達到最有效能的親職溝通。
二、 提供各種溝通媒介及各類正確教養資訊且正確傳遞的方式,以面對面溝通臨場感最高,且托育人員也最具專業態度及最能自信運用及掌握。
三、 在行動研究歷程中增加早期療育巡迴輔導培力活動,讓老師依幼兒適性發展安排活動及觀察並落實幼兒發展篩檢,充實親師溝通的內容也協助家長重視幼兒早期療育的重要性。
四、 家長對嬰幼兒學習與成長之回饋,提高家長對托嬰中心經營與托育服務的認同與肯定,增進老師專業素養且符合具體成效和經營特色。
This research aims to investigate how the infant teachers at the infant child care centre reach the most effective communication with the parents of the children they take care of through professional knowledge and employee quality which contains creating professional attitude and value and the proficiency of the multiple communication methods. Moreover, to prompt parents to put more attention and gain more understanding of the health and child development promoted by the teachers delivering the concept and the necessity of it as targeting “early detection, early intervention, and early treatment”. Finally, to receive the recognition and positive review from the parents to the infant child care centre.
The participants in this research are 9 infant teachers and 45 parents selected from a government-owned private management infant child care centre in Taipei City which the author currently works at. The research is carried out by the method of action research, starting from discovering the problem, coming up with the possible solution, conducting the solution plan, collecting data from each step of the problem-solving process, reviewing and revising the solution plan. The research as well as problem-solving is conducted by repeating this flow-based method.
The research result brings out the practice to construct teacher-parent communication and to improve parents’ attention and mindset in terms of health and child development. Four key findings are concluded:
To achieve the most effective communication with the parents, employee orientation and child care service handbooks would help the infant teachers to possess professional knowledge and enhance their employee quality.
Compared with all various communication methods which can properly deliver the correct information about child care, face-to-face communication gives the strongest feeling of presence for infant teachers. It is a method with ease of use and allows the infant teachers to demonstrate their professional attitude and expertise in confidence.
The roving lectures and training courses of early intervention set under the action research can not only promote the developmental screening through the child observation and adaptive teaching instruction conducted by the infant teachers but also form the productive teacher-parent communication that helps the parents gaining more knowledge and understanding about the early intervention.
The parent review and feedback on child development is where the infant child care centre gets recognition from on praising their operations and services. Furthermore, those reviews and feedback are helpful information that the centre can utilize to adjust their training design for infant teachers and to build an effective business with their operational features.