本研究所使用的感測器陣列(sensors array)的感測材料是以氧化鐵/多壁奈米碳管/三氧化鎢(Fe2O3/MWCNTs/WO3)奈米複合材料為基底,再添加不同貴重金屬奈米粒子(Au、Pd、Ag)來修飾氧化鐵/多壁奈米碳管/三氧化鎢表面的活性。使用一鍋化多元醇法結合有機金屬裂解法(Metal-organic decomposition, MOD)製備氧化鐵/多壁奈米碳管/三氧化鎢(Fe2O3/MWCNTs/WO3)奈米複合材料基底後,再於薄膜表面分別修飾不同貴重金屬奈米粒子(Au、Pd、Ag)製成感測器陣列;再結合主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)法,於室溫下偵測氮氧化物混合氣體(NOx; NO及NO2),開發簡單、快速之氮氧化物混合氣體辨識系統。
Firstly, the iron oxide/multi-walled carbon nanotubes/tungsten oxide (Fe2O3/MWCNTs/WO3) nanocomposite material was fabricated using one-pot polyol method followed by metal organic decomposition (MOD). Then, the noble metals (Au, Pd and Ag) were used to modify the surface of the Fe2O3/MWCNTs/WO3 nanocomposite material to form the sensor array. Finally, the sensor array (4 sensors) combined with principal component analysis (PCA) method was used to differentiate the NO2 and NO gas under testing condition of mixing of NOx gases. The results of this work show promising prospects for the use of a low-cost, easy to use and rapid method for differentiating the NO2 and NO gas in the presence of a mixture NOx gases.