隨著科技的進步,綠能產業的發展也越趨蓬勃,其中太陽能光電板的使用,更是備受重視,然而太陽能光電板的使用上,十分受到環境所限制,而現行的建築設計,在設計的造型上與過去的建築設計手法相去甚遠,因此在太陽能光電板的安排上,就必須要特別去檢討,除了自然環境所給予的發電條件充足外,光電板在建築上的安排亦不能受到建築量體本身的阻擋,Grasshopper在建築設計的前中後週期中皆可以發揮作用,從建築前期的量體設計,到中間的設計檢討,最後的BIM和細部設計,Grasshopper都可以扮演舉足輕重的角色,因此本研究透過Rhino、Grasshopper和Honeybee 3D建模工具結合歷年氣象統計資料 (epwfile) 進行視覺化建築物理環境模擬之架構,以了解太陽能板安裝環境的日照時數和日射量,並且進一步比較模擬數據與嘉南藥理大學所測量之日射量,以驗證模擬工具進行物理環境模擬與太陽能光電板安裝環境日射量估算之可行性,透過本架構之建立,建築設計的過程可以強化量體與環境之連結,並且讓建築設計的檢討更加容易。本研究利用Honeybee和ladybug等軟體結合氣候資料的使用,發現模擬數據與實測數據之間的相關性以9月份到4月份之間為高,並且雨量在相當程度上影響了記錄與模擬之間的相關性,依照比較之結果,本研究對未來利用模擬軟體進行發電量以及物理環境模擬時提供參考。
With the advancement of science and technology, the use of solar photovoltaic panels has become more widespread. In order to find the right environment to place solar panels with the better performance, we used the 3D modeling software Rhino, the parametric tool Grasshopper and physical environmental simulation tools Honeybee and Ladybug together with historical weather data (epwfile) to simulate solar radiation with the physical environmental model based on a greenhouse of Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science. Furthermore, we compared the simulated data and the measured data to verify the feasibility of our tool for simulating solar radiation and estimating solar panel performance. Our study shows a high correlation between simulation and measurement between September and April. This correlation is affected by rainfall, however. Our study provides a processing reference for solar radiation simulation and the surrounding physical effects by using Rhino, Grasshopper, and Honeybee simulation software.