摘要: | 「全球暖化=地球毀滅」是個攸關地球的熱門話題,因為全球各行各業正持續排放溫室氣體,導致全球暖化、海水面上升、氣候異常、糧食短缺,環境與生態之浩劫隱然成形。台電身為國營事業,首要社會責任就是提供充裕且穩定的用電,並落實政府能源政策,期望做到減碳與平抑電價。
“Global warming will destroy the Earth in the end” is a hot topic concerning our planet since the continuous greenhouse gas emissions by all industries and sectors around the world has caused global warming, rising sea levels, climate abnormality, and food shortage, leading to environmental and ecological catastrophe. As a state-owned business, the primary social responsibility of Taiwan Power Company is to provide ample and stable power supply and implement government energy conservation policies in the hope of achieving the goal of carbon reduction and electric rate stability.
The newest government energy policies require the percentage of power generation to be 50% for gas, 27% for coal fire, 20% for renewable energy, and 1% each for other methods including nuclear, fuel oil and pumped-storage hydroelectricity by the year of 2025, together with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2%, 10% and 20% respectively in 2020, 2025 and 2030 compared to the year of 2005 (the base year).
Taipower’s carbon emissions account for 1/3 of our country’s total carbon emissions, and it has been paying attention to this issue since 2008. The replacement and renewal of old thermal power generating units, together with the enhancement of power generation of nuclear power generating units and load reduction of coal-fired generating units have also been carried out. However, according to actual data, it is not only difficult to fulfill government energy conservation policies, Taipower’s power plan, and other carbon emission reduction targets, it is also likely that the power will be undersupplied, followed by energy rationing and sharp growth in electricity prices in the future. It is suggested that Taipower should improve its own carbon reduction activities and make suggestions to the government based on its professionalism for appropriate adjustment of energy policy and carbon reduction targets. |