摘要: | 物聯網裝置不斷推陳出新,雖然提高生活便利性,但其應用所隱藏的資安危機,一旦遭到破壞者的攻擊,衍生居家安全、隱私外洩、商業破壞及行動支付盜用等風險。
Internet of Things (IoT) abandons the old and brings forth the new rapidly, Alt-hough it makes our life much more convenient, Its hidden danger of revealing personal privacy through various application on the net derives problems such as home security, data leakage,business failure and misappropriation of mobile payment once it is attacked by vicious users.
What’s more the evaluation and warning examining risks of revealing personal in-formation and its underlying loophole in real situational application should not be con-fined in the security measures offered by a particular device but the application as a whole.
With the quick advance of Smart Speakers, the problem of privacy security be-comes more and more obvious, And the problems then qradually comes to be the key trap that limits the development of Smart Speaks, The enormous amount of data termi-nal and data transmission force it to face the intimidating risks of information revealing, privacy leaking and the vicious manipulation of remote control, which poses severe threat to legitimate users
Then we use Depth Interviewing gain the final conclusion to solve secure threats and risks of smart speaker.Internet of Things (IoT) abandons the old and brings forth the new rapidly, Alt-hough it makes our life much more convenient, Its hidden danger of revealing personal privacy through various application on the net derives problems such as home security, data leakage,business failure and misappropriation of mobile payment once it is attacked by vicious users.
What’s more the evaluation and warning examining risks of revealing personal in-formation and its underlying loophole in real situational application should not be con-fined in the security measures offered by a particular device but the application as a whole.
With the quick advance of Smart Speakers, the problem of privacy security be-comes more and more obvious, And the problems then qradually comes to be the key trap that limits the development of Smart Speaks, The enormous amount of data termi-nal and data transmission force it to face the intimidating risks of information revealing, privacy leaking and the vicious manipulation of remote control, which poses severe threat to legitimate users
Then we use Depth Interviewing gain the final conclusion to solve secure threats and risks of smart speaker. |