摘要: | 本研究旨在探討成年經痛婦女「飲食」與「運動」對「情緒健康」之影響;分析不同「個人背景變項」的受試者在「飲食」、「運動」與「情緒健康」之差異情形;探討不同「經痛相關變項」的受試者在「飲食」、「運動」及「情緒健康」之相關性;最後,探討不同的「個人背景變項」、「經痛相關變項」、「飲食」、「運動」對受試者「情緒健康」之預測力。
本研究係採取問卷調查法,研究對象為全國年滿 18 歲至 54 歲之經痛女性,抽樣方法採便利取樣 (convenience sampling),於 2019 年 10 月至 12 月間以網路問卷形式進行施測,正式問卷共發出 999 份,有效問卷為 718 份。研究工具為「個人背景資料調查表」(13 題)、「經痛相關變項調查表」(3 題)、「健康促進生活型態-II量表中文版」中的次量表「營養」及「體能活動」(16 題)、以及「情緒健康狀態量表中文版」(21 題),總計共 59 題。問卷回收後以平均數、標準差、獨立樣本 t 檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方式進行資料分析。研究結果如下。
一、本研究受試者以月經週期以「22 至 36 天」585 人(81.5 %),經痛持續天數以「1 至 2
天」558 人(77.7 %)及經痛程度以「有輕微疼痛,但不影響日常生活且不需要服用止痛
劑」448 人(62.4 %)為最多。
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of “diet” and “exercise” on “emotional health” in female adults with dysmenorrhea. They study also analyzed the differences in “diet,” “exercise,” and “emotional health” between subjects with different “personal background variables.” The correlation of “diet,” “exercise,” and “emotional health” between subjects with different “menstrual pain related variables” were also assessed. Finally, the study also examined the effect of different “personal background variables,” “menstrual pain related variables,” “diet,” and “exercise” on the “emotional health” of the subjects.The study used survey method. The study subjects were female with dysmenorrhea who were 18 to 54 years old. Convenience sampling was conducted between October and December in 2019. The survey was distributed via online questionnaire. 999 completed questionniares were collected and 718 were valid. The questionnaire with total 59 questions included the “personal background information questionnaire” (13 questions), the “menstrual pain-related variable questionnaire” (3 questions), the “nutrition” and “physical activity” subscales from the “Chinese version of the health promotion life style-II scale” (16 questions), and “Chinese version of emotional health scale” (21 questions). Upon the completion of data collection, data analysis was performed by statistical methods, including mean, standard deviation, Independent Sample t-test, and One-way ANOVA. The research results are as followed.
1.In this study, 585 subjects (81.5%) had a menstrual cycle of “22 to 36 days”
and 558 subjects (77.7%) had menstrual pain lasted for “1 to 2 days”. About
the degree of menstrual pain, most of the subjects (448 subjects, 62.4%) had
“mild pain” which did not affect daily life and did not need to taking pain
2.Different “age,” “occupation,” and “weekly breakfast frequency” had
significant differences in the “diet,” “exercise,” and “emotional health” of
female adults with dysmenorrhea.
3.Amomg female adults with dysmenorrhea, female with better emotional health
and more health eating habit could have less dysmenorrhea.
In conclusion, the results of the study provide a references and information for femlae adult witn dysmenorrhea and researchers interested in relation issues. |