摘要: | 本研究旨在探討祖父母「角色信念」對「家庭功能」之影響,分析不同「個人背景變項」的祖父母對「角色信念」及「家庭功能」之差異情形,並探討不同祖父母之「角色信念」對「家庭功能」會造成顯著影響,以及不同祖父母之「角色信念」對「家庭功能」之預測力。本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象係以居住大臺北地區年滿50歲以上且有孫子女之祖父母,於2019年7月至9月間進行共發放500份問卷,回收485份,回收率為97%,扣除無效問卷,實得有效問卷455份。研究測量工具包含,一、「個人相關背景資料」(7題),二、「祖父母角色信念量表」(18題)(戴秉珊,2008),其中包含四個構面分量表「良師益友」、「協助陪伴」、「寵愛寬鬆」、「經驗傳承」,以評估祖父母角色信念的認同度;以及三、「家庭功能量表」(18題)(蔡德暐,2013),其中包含「綜合凝聚力家庭功能」、「綜合溝通家庭功能」、「綜合負向家庭功能」三個面向,以瞭解祖父母對家庭功能運作上之影響程度。問卷共計43題。研究者依據問卷施測所得之資料進行整理,使用Independent t-test、one-way ANOVA、Scheffé method、Dunnett’s T3、Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation、Multiple regression analysis 等統計方法,分析結果如下。
二、祖父母之「家庭功能」會因「教育程度」(F=4.792, p< .01)、「婚姻狀況」(F=12.771, p< .001) 之不同而存在顯著差異。
三、祖父母之「家庭功能」會因互動最頻繁孫子女之年齡是否為「學齡前」 (t =-4.615, p< .001) 而有顯著差異。
四、祖父母「角色信念」與「家庭功能」呈現顯著正相關 (r =.457, p< .01)。
五、與祖父母互動頻繁孫子女之年齡為「學齡前」(β = .174,t = 3.342,p < .01),對「家庭功能」有預測力。
The study aimed to investigate the impact of grandparents’ “role beliefs” on “family functions,” to analyze the differences between grandparents with different “personal background variables” on “role beliefs” and “family functions,” to explore whether grandparents’ “role beliefs” have significant impacts on “family functions,” and to estimate the predictive power of grandparents’ “role beliefs” on “family functions.” The study adopted survey method, and grandparents who aged 50 or above, have at least one grandchild, and reside in the Greater Taipei area were recruited as research participants. Study participants were recruited between July and September 2019, and 500 questionnaires were distributed, 485 were collected, and the response rate was 97%. After eliminating the invalid questionnaires, the valid samples were 455. The questionnaires consisted of the “Personal Background Information,” “the Role Belief of Grandparents Scale” (Tai, 2008), which contains four sub-scales: “being teacher and friend,” “accompanying and supporting,” “being loving and gentle,” and “passing down legacy,” to assess the recognition of grandparents’ role beliefs; and “Family Function Scale” (Tsai, 2013), which includes three aspects: “integrated cohesive family function,” “integrated communication family function,” and “integrated negative family function,” to examine the degree of influence of grandparents on family functions. The questionnaire consisted of 43 questions in total. Independent t test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé method, Dunnett’s T3, Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation, multiple regression analysis, and other statistical methods were used to analyze the data, and the results are as follows.
1. Grandparents’ “role beliefs” is found to have statistically significant differences in “marital status,” “grandchildren’s living status that interacts with you most frequently,” and “the age of grandchildren who interact with you most frequently.”
2. “Family functions” are found to have statistically significant differences in “education level” (F=4.792, p< .01) and “marital status” (F=12.771, p< .001).
3. “Family functions” are found to have statistically significant differences in “the age of the grandchildren who you interact most frequently” (t = -4.615, p< .001).
4. Significant positive correlation is found between grandparents’ “role beliefs” and “family function” (r = .457, p<.01).
5. Grandchildren with frequent interaction with grandparents and are in “preschool age” have predictive power of “family function” (β = .174, t =3.342, p< .01).
Above results may provide references for individuals, families, society, and researchers who are interested in related issues. |