摘要: | 本論文的目的旨在探討競技心理能量(athletic mental energy, AME)之的概念性架構、測量方法,以及提供未來研究的建議。首先,研究介紹了心理能量的概念起源,並且描述了心理能量在人類成就中的重要作用和初步對心理能量一詞的解釋;接著介紹Lu與研究同儕(Lu, Gill, Yang, Lee, Hsu, Chiu, & Kuan, 2018)競技心理能量的定義和概念性架構,並根據定義和概念性架構進行量表編制,檢驗信、效度,最後描繪出整體競技心理能量的架構,本研究建議未來研究者可就幾個方向進行更深入的探討:如運動心理技能的增進來源、消耗來源、心理技能介入的影響,以及競技心理能量可能產生的後果等,期待能夠藉由更多元的相關研究把競技心理能量研究推廣到全世界,並且這一個研究方向能夠提升運動表現以及促進運動員的心理康寧。
The purpose of this essay was to depict the concept of athletic mental energy (AME), including its theoretical framework, measurements, and future research directions. First, we introduced the original term of mental energy and discussed how it works in human functioning and achievement. Further, we introduced recent work of athletic mental energy by Lu and colleagues (Lu, Gill, Yang, Lee, Hsu, Chiu, & Kuan, 2018) such as definition, conceptual framework, measurement development, psychometrics, sources and consequence of AME. We suggest researchers may apply the concept and measurement of AME, such as the sources of increase/decrease of AME, the intervention of psychology skill, and the possible consequences, etc., to study athletic performance and promote athletes' psychological well-being in the world. |