以下短文是以1993年在臺灣做的跨文化調查為基礎,介紹與文化比較有關的課程設計。 文中將以德國統一為主題的架構下,討論並分析臺灣學生眼中典型的德國人。在同時,也藉著德國統一問題來分析中共與臺灣統一的可能性。 有關德國分裂為二時相互之關係,東西德社會的不同,柏林圍牆的建立以及導致它倒塌的經過也在文中做了探討。此外,由於統一後引起的社會改變,包括新近掘起的新納粹黨,也一併予以討論。 短文中引用的參考文獻在文中每一章節後都有註明,可提供老師同仁們參考。
The following article introduces a lesson plan for intercultural studies based on cross-cultural research conducted in Taiwan in 1993. Under the topic of the German reuification, classical stereotypes of Germany by Taiwanese students are analysed and discussed. At the same time the German reunification is used to analys the possibility of the P.R.C and R.O.C reuniting. The relationship concerning the disectioning of Germany, the differences between the East and West German societies, the constrution of the Berlin wall, and the developments which led to its dismantling are further discussed. In addition, the social change that resulted from the reunification, including the newly developed neo-facist elements, are mentioned. A bibliograhy of related texts and articles are provided for the teachers reference at the end of each unit.