宋徽宗朝御筆盛行,對當時朝政造成重大影響,出現「御筆一下,無敢議者」情況,違背御筆的重刑責罰發揮了相當作用。最初,責罰僅以違制罪論處,刑度有限,無明顯嚇阻力。不過數年,責罰刑度大幅提高,改以侵犯皇帝尊嚴的十惡重罪大不恭論刑,自此違御筆責罰成為督催御筆執行、阻卻他人異議利器。爾後相繼出現「以大不恭論」、「以違御筆論」重刑規定,大不恭罪範圍漸形擴張,含括各層面,遠超既有成法,成為展現徽宗意志、彰顯皇權的具體象徵。 過去,蔡京多被視為違御筆責罰的創始與得利者,但從責罰發展過程觀之,無論其人是否主政,宰執集團對相關伸張皇權規定皆無異議,顯示徽宗與近臣間應有合意默契。就執行來看,大不恭刑罰遍布,實際受罰者卻有限,主導權亦由徽宗掌握,蔡京並無太多參與跡象。但是,自徽宗朝晚期,其身邊宦者、近臣日漸濫用違御筆責罰與大不恭罪重刑,恐嚇脅迫士庶官民,案件審決亦趨混亂,造成不少民怨和危害,蔡京此時實已年邁,淡出政壇。等到金人南侵,徽宗禪位,朝野要求廢除責罰、平反冤案的聲浪大起,欽宗亦順應眾意,急縮違御筆責罰及大不恭罪範圍。南宋各朝,御筆雖仍存在,卻未再有類似責罰。
The Imperial Brush (御筆) rampant under the rule of Song Huizong (宋徽宗) caused significant impact in many respects. And, the punishment for violation of the Imperial Brush (違御筆責罰) played a key role. In the beginning, the punishment was a misdemeanor for violation of the system (違制). Soon afterwards, the punishment was changed to Ten Abominations of great irreverence (十惡大不恭 ) and was strengthened gradually, which reflected Huizong’s will to show the power of the Emperor. According to past studies, powerful official Tsai Ching (蔡京) was thought to have established and benefited by the punishment for violation of the Imperial Brush. However, the decision to implement the punishment was made by Huizong. Other officials and eunuchs nevertheless abused the punishment to intimidate people such that great harm was caused. After Huizong abdicated, the punishment was abolished. In the Southern Song, the Imperial Brush still existed, but the punishment was never reestablished.