摘要: | 華嚴經教主盧舍那佛的圖像,是伴隨著華嚴的思想而肇端於于闐,其後東傳,經由河西走廊進入中原。在五六世紀之際,達到第一階段的弘盛期。而進入初唐以後,隨著帝王的信仰佛教,又推廣華嚴思想,雕造巨形的盧舍那佛像,展現了恢弘的器宇、圓融的法界觀,華嚴圖像走向第二階段的圓熟期。唐代的華嚴造像以龍門石窟奉先寺洞為最具代表,其主尊的造形奠定了唐式盧舍那佛的標竿,與兩旁的脅侍菩薩、佛弟子、力士、神王像等的組合像,則是日後盧舍那佛會組成的基礎。而自北周密教經典入華後,也促成大日如來或佛頂造像的創作,盧舍那佛或毗盧佛,由螺狀髮紋的佛裝,演至頭戴寶冠,胸垂瓔珞的菩薩像裝的佛像,也由長安洛陽,流傳及於巴蜀石窟,而建立起特殊的盧舍那或及毗盧佛造像外形與配置。本文先引述盧舍那佛的經典意涵,與文獻中所載的華嚴圖像,再舉唐代長安、洛陽、巴蜀等地,具代表性的華嚴教主造像遺例,備述其風格特色,以見其演變軌跡與時代特色。本文分六節,其要目如下:一、前言 二、華嚴經中的盧舍那佛意涵與畫造盧舍那佛圖像史(一)、大方廣佛華嚴經「盧舍那佛品」所載的盧舍那佛(二)、華嚴祖師的弘傳華嚴思想與畫師畫造華嚴變相 三、唐代現存京洛顯教系統的盧舍那佛造像(一)、龍門奉先寺洞的盧舍那佛(二)、法界人中像的盧舍那佛1.法國巴黎吉美博物館藏盧舍那佛立像2.美國舊金山亞洲美術館藏盧舍那佛坐像 四、華北密教系統的寶冠佛(一)、龍門石窟東山擂鼓中洞主尊(二)、長安寶慶寺舊藏寶冠佛 五、巴蜀一地的唐代盧舍那佛/毗盧遮那佛(一)、廣元千佛崖的初唐造像1.廣元千佛崖第13號蓮花洞2.廣元千佛崖第33龕(二)、巴中石窟的盛唐、中唐造像1.西龕石窟佛爺彎第44號2.西龕龍日寺87號龕3.西龕龍日寺73號龕4.南龕石窟103龕(三)、邛崍石筍山的中唐造像 六、唐式影響下的宋代華嚴教主像(一)、飛來峰青林洞「盧舍那佛會」浮雕(二)、四川安岳石窟毗盧洞柳本尊三身像主尊與華嚴洞 七、結語。
The Vairocana image and statue as the guru in the Avatam. saka Sūtra, which is accompanied by the Avatam. saka ideology originating from the Kingdom of Khotan, and subsequently spreads out eastward through the Hexi Corridor into the Central Plains in China. And then, on the occasion of the fifth and sixth centuries, it reaches the first stage the flourishing period. And after entering the early Tang Dynasty, with the emperor faith in Buddhist, but also it promotes the Avatam. saka ideology, carving giant Vairocana statue and showing a grand deportment, harmony Dharma concept. The Avatam. saka image and statue towards the second stage the mellow period. The Fexg-xian Cave Temple of Longmen Grottoes is the most representative of the Avatam. saka statue style at Notrhern China Jing-luo (Chang'an and Luo'yang) in Tang Dynasty. As the main statue of the Bodhisattvas lays the general Buddhism Vairocana benchmark in Tang Dynasty, which is accompanied by a combination statue of the retinue Bodhisattvas in Budddha both sides, disciples of the Buddha, Nryana, and God statues, as it is the basis for the future Vairocana group. And since the Northern Zhou Dynasty, "Vidyadhara esoteric buddhism " classics which spread into China, also contribute to the statues style creation of Mahavairocana or Buddha, and the Vairocana by snail-shaped hairline Buddha loaded, evoluting to the wearing crown, chest hanging wreaths statues of Bodhisattva, which also from Chang'an, Luo'yang, then spreading out to the Ba'shu grottoes. Before going to Tang kingdom, the Kaiyuan three monks have established a special Vairocana Statue's shape and configuration. This paper first quoted the Vairocana sutra classical meaning, and Avatam. saka image contained in the literature. Then it cites the Tang Dynasty Chang'an, Luo'yang, Ba'shu and other places, with a representative example of the left Avatam. saka leader statue, in preparation of references to his unique style to the track being reflected the evolution and the impact of the Song Dynasty. This paper has seven sections, the contents as the following: Chapter 1 Foreword Chapter 2 The meaning and the image statue history of the Vairocana in the Avatam. saka Sūtra 2.1 The contained Vairocana sect in Avatam. saka Sūtra 2.2 The Avatam. saka sect founder spreading out the ideology and the paintest painting the disguised Avatam. saka Chapter 3 The present general Buddhism Vairocana in Avatam. saka system 3.1 The Vairocana in the Fexg-xian Cave Temple of Longmen Grottoes 3.2 The Vairocana in Dharma Realm people-like image 3.2.1 The Vairocana statue in Guimet Museum Paris French 3.2.2 The sitted Vairocana statue in Aisa Museum San Francisco USA Chapter 4 The Treasure crown buddha in Northern China Tantra system 4.1 Thea main Buddhist in Longmen Grottoes Dongshan Leigu middle cave 4.2 The Treasure crown buddha in Chan'an Bao'qing temple Chapter 5 The Tang Dynasty Vairocana in Ba'shu area 5.1 Guangyuan Thousand Buddha Cave 5.1.1 The No.13 Lotus cave in Guangyuan Thousand Buddha Cave 5.1.2 The No.33 niche in Guangyuan Thousand Buddha Cave 5.2 Ba'zhong Grottoes 5.2.1 The No.44 niche in Buddha-wan Xi'kan Grottoes 5.2.2 The No.87 niche in Xi'kan Long-zi temple 5.2.3 The No.73 niche in Xi'kan Long-zi temple 5.2.4 The No.103 niche in Nan'kan 5.3 Qionglai Shi-shun Mountain Chapter 6 The Song Dynasty Avatam. saka sect guru under the influence of the Tang Dynasty Vairocana 6.1 The Vairocana group relief in Fei-lai Peak Qing'lin Cave 6.2 The Three-body main statue in Pi'lu Cave Anyue Grottoes Sichuan Chapter 7 Conclusions. |