This article belongs to the category of applied philosophy and has three levels of problem consciousness: First, on the level of basic theory, is it appropriate to translate Zhu Xi's concept of "li" into "coherence" and what is the exact meaning of "li yi fen shu"? Second, on the level of conceptual framework, does "li yi fen shu" have any thinking model of fixed logical structure that can be applied to the field of social culture? Third, how do we apply the formal conceptual framework to the various fields and levels of the social culture of the phenomenal world? This article proceeds as follows: first, reviewing the interpretational tradition of Zhu's theory of "li yi fen shu" in order to grasp its doctrinal immanence; second, referring to the dialectical analyses made by contemporary domestic and foreign scholars, such as Shu Jing-nan, Akira Ohama, Chen Lai and Jing Hai-fong, to establish a conceptual framework of "li yi fen shu" that might be structurally logical; third, proving or advocating the theoretical usefulness of this conceptual framework through the practical function of moral culture as developed by Meng Peiyuan, Liu Shu-xian and Vincent Shen. This article is meant to explain the philosophical meaning and logical framework of Zhu's "li yi fen shu" along with its practical function that can be applied to the social culture in order to hope for a reasonable, pluralistic and harmonious contemporary Chinese culture and modern society, looking for a philosophical foundation of "ming ti da yong" (understanding the system and putting it into practice).