摘要: | 提昇組織工作效能及企業形象,為各事業機構努力追求的目標,本研究以南部地區自來水公司員工為研究對象,探討員工對於其所穿著制服認知、工作效能與企業形象之相關研究。採立意抽樣方式進行問卷調查,有效問巻550份(90.16%),透過獨立性樣本t檢定、單因子變異分析,獲致結果如下: 1.經由樣本資料得知,員工穿著制服,「每周穿1次」占7.5%,「不一定」占62.5%,即員工穿著制服意願不高。 2.不同員工性別、教育程度、婚姻狀況及收入在「組織制服認知」構面上,「團體凝聚力」、「信賴感和評價認知」二個因素,皆達顯著差異;「外觀設計的認知」因素,無顯著差異。 3. 不同員工教育程度、婚姻狀況及收入在「工作效能」、「企業形象」構面上,皆達顯著差異。 4.不同員工背景變項,在「組織制服認知」、「工作效能」及「企業形象」等構面上,經由雪費法事後比較結果,教育程度低、已婚、收入高員工,認同程度相對高。外觀設計並未得到員工認同,因此該公司應著重設計新穎合宜的制服,讓員工感受到專業自信,進而提升員工工作態度及工作效能,期望本研究成果對企業員工制服之分析有所助益。
To enhance the work efficiency and corporate image is the main goal pursued by various businesses and organizations. In this study, the employees of the water corporation in the southern region were selected as the research objects to explore the correlations among employees' cognition of uniforms, their work efficiency, and corporate image. After conducting the survey via purposively sampling, the number of valid questionnaires is 550 (90.16%). Through the independent sample t test and one-way mutation analysis, the results are as follows: 1. According to the sample data, employees who wear uniforms “once per week” account for 7.5% and those "not necessarily" wearing uniforms account for 62.5% of the total number of uniformed workers. That is, employees are unwilling to wear uniforms. 2. Gender, education level, marital status and income of different employees are all significantly different in organizational uniform cognition in terms of "corporate cohesion" and "trust and evaluation cognition"; as for the factor "design perception,” there is no significant difference. 3. The levels of education, marital status and income of different staff are all significantly different in terms of "work efficiency" and "corporate image". 4. Different employee background variables, such as organizational uniform recognition, work efficiency and corporate image, are compared on the basis of ex post facto comparisons. Employees with low-level education, married, and highly-paid have higher identification. Failing to win most employees’ identification with the present design, the company, should therefore focus on the design of new and suitable uniforms. In this way, its employees will feel confident in their profession, thereby enhancing their working attitude and effectiveness. It is hoped that this research will be helpful to the analysis of corporate uniforms. |