養豬產業是台灣農業重要生產項目,近年來受到疫病、極端氣候與環境保護意識提升等因素影響,如何積極加速推動養豬產業結構升級與改善經營效率為當前養豬產業的重要議題。尤其在疾病防治上,如何有效降低疾病所造成的經濟損失與在公共衛生上的危害,除了提升飼養管理技術與妥善的防疫計畫之外,如何結合新式分子育種技術與基因編輯技術來面對疾病威脅,即為本計畫的目標。因此,本計畫的目的即欲:(1) 應用次世代定序建立豬隻主要相容性複合體(Swine leukocyte antigen;SLA)定序技術,尋找族群或表型相關之SLA基因型或突變位點,做為族群的分子標記; (2) 收集多品種豬隻檢體,以驗證上述基因型或變異位點之正確性與專一性; (3) 建立剔除SLA-class I細胞株,並構築上述特定SLA基因型細胞株; (4) 鑑定特定SLA基因型細胞株以豬繁殖和呼吸障礙綜合症病毒感染後之胜肽質體學;(5) 利用大數據分析及胜肽質體學策略,預測及篩選病毒特定胜肽;(6) 病毒特定胜肽功能探討,藉由分析胜肽結合能力與誘發免疫細胞反應,探討該胜肽作為疫苗之潛力與可行性。此研究成果將有助於鑑定豬隻族群SLA基因型作為生物標記之可行性及胜肽疫苗(Peptide vaccine)開發。預期影響性此計畫預期可發現與族群間高度相關的SLA基因型及突變位點,並了解其與表型間的關聯,亦將鑑定出與病毒感染後相關的病毒特定抗原及有潛力的先導化合物,藉此可提供未來育種選拔與胜肽疫苗開發的新方向,以降低疾病造成的危害及經濟損失。
Swine productions are one of the most important agriculture industries in Taiwan. Recently, climate change, diseases, and environmental issues impact the swine industry. How to improve and upgrade hardware and technology become an urgent challenge, especially how to decrease the economic loss from swine disease. With the advance of molecular biotechnology, such as marker-assisted selection (MAS) and gene editing, we can apply these new technologies to improve swine breeding to reduce the loss form diseases. Therefore, to further dissect the roles of SLA in swine population, the intention of this project is to: (1) establish a high throughput SLA-seq platform via next generation sequencing; (2) identification SLA genotypes and mutations in multiple swine populations as population-specific markers; (3) establish SLA class I null cell line, and construct specific SLA genotype expressing fusion cell line; (4) identification SLA binding peptides from specific SLA genotype expressing fusion cell line after Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection; (5) predict and identify the viral antigen that can bind to specific SLA alleles by using computational genomics tools and peptidomics strategy; (6) analysis the function of candidate peptides, and estimate the potential to develop as the peptide vaccine. The achievements of this project will contribute to the development of biomarkers for swine population breeding, selection, and conversation, the candidate peptides could develop as the peptide vaccine.